Ex-Obama Official Warns: A Trump Win in 2024 Will Mean Five Trump Justices on Supreme Court

8 months ago

PFEIFFER: “Think about the stakes in the Supreme Court. If Donald Trump wins, he will almost certainly get two more appointments. By the end of Trump’s term, second term, were he to win, Thomas will be 82, Alito will be 78.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “They’re definitely retiring —“
PFEIFFER: “They’re definitely retiring.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “— if Trump wins again. And it could be just KBJ like, holding down the fort.”
PFEIFFER: “And Justice Sotomayor will be 72 at the end of Trump’s term. So he will definitely get two appointments. If he has two appointments, that means he will have appointed five Supreme Court justices, all of whom will be around or below the age of 60 when he leaves office. That is a court majority — a MAGA court majority that will rule for decades. We can win the next however many presidential elections, and absent something sort of extraordinary happening, Trump’s fingerprints will be all over the Supreme Court. And so, I think we should make this a big issue. And we know this works because in 2016, that vacant Justice Scalia seat then McConnell held open was one reason — and you’ve heard this in a lot of focus groups and post-election surveys — that Republicans who did not like Trump at the last minute, were willing to hold their nose and vote for Trump because they — they cared about Supreme Court. So I think we can do that in reverse.”

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