DHS Sec. Mayorkas Dodges When Asked if the U.S. Is Safer Under Biden than Before the 9/11 Attacks

8 months ago

CAVUTO: “Bottom line is, you are in charge of keeping us safe, and do you think we are safe with how porous the border has become? That’s not saying it’s all your fault. I’m just saying that, are we safer now than we were before 9/11?”

MAYORKAS: “I would say three things, Neil. One, I’m incredibly proud of the men and women of the United States Border Patrol that risk their lives every day to keep Americans safe and secure. Number one. (crosstalk)”

CAVUTO: “No, I’m sure you are. But are we safe — are we are safe for now?”

MAYORKAS: “Number two, our screening and vetting capabilities are stronger than they ever have been. And three, the reality is, Neil, that we, and not just the United States alone, but Western countries are in a heightened threat environment, especially after the October 7th terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel that has only elevated the threat environment in Western countries and that is why we are as vigilant as we are 24/7 in keeping our country safe.”

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