Releasing Our Personal Blocks to the Awareness of Love's Presence

7 months ago

June 17 - Releasing Our Personal Blocks to the Awareness of Love's Presence
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If God Is Love, and God is All, then All is Love. Anything that is in opposition to All is an illusion. Today let us refer to this illusion as a block to our awareness of the presence of Love. Judgment of self and others, anger, frustration, anxiousness, regret are all manifestations of these blocks. We have been programmed by the ego to curse ourselves and others for experiencing these blocks, but today we will stop playing the ego’s game, instead we will thank these blocks and all who participated in bringing them to our awareness for showing us where we are separating ourselves from Love/God. Becoming more self-aware is a blessing, not a curse. And so today let us offer everything and everyone gratitude, not judgment, for helping us become more self-aware of our blocks. The ego’s game has become old, we have played with these blocks long enough; it is now time to put them forever away.
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