Rahan. Episode Eighty-Seven. By Roger Lecureux. The venom of docility. A Puke (TM) Comic.

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4 months ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.

Episode Eighty-Seven.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The venom of docility.

The man who had just been discovered by the son of Crao had ceased to live, and yet his body bore no injuries!
This bamboo was undoubtedly his weapon?

But what could it be used for?
What game did this hunter capture?

Something was moving in the skin bag.
Intrigued, Rahan cut the vine.

Page Two.

Oh! Nahjaks!
Rahan knew that the najas were among the most formidable of reptiles.
Their bite was unforgiving!

Rahan Understands!
This pole must be used to catch snakes!

As a sign of anger they inflated their collars.
But they did not have time to strike!

The najas were disappearing into the grass when men appeared.
Look! He killed Jorko!

Rahan does not kill "Those-who-walk-upright"!
Besides, this hunter has no injuries!

Page Three.

He must have been bitten by one of those Nah-jaks he was hunting!
A man snatched the Bamboo pole from Rahan.

A moment later, with remarkable skill, he captured a reptile.
His companions came running with the skin bag.

Taking advantage of this diversion, the son of Crao jumped into the foliage, where he disappeared.

And immediately.
Let us alert our tribe!
We have to find the man with the “Fire Hair”!
Jouhara will need his body!

Why do the hunters not kill the Nah-Jaks?
Why keep such dangerous beasts alive?
Rahan discreetly tailed the trio.

Page Four.

A little later.
“Fire hair” will be a wonderful captive!
We must bring him back to Jouhara alive!
The whole clan, women, men, and children were on the hunt.

Rahan had seen the Bag being carried to the great hut.
He had also seen this pit.

Hum. This clan must worship the Nah-Jaks!
The bottom of the pit was teeming with countless reptiles!

Perhaps they deliver their enemies to the Nah-Jaks!
At this thought the son of fierce ages felt his blood run cold!

Oh! Since "fire hair" had the audacity to come over here, Jouhara is going to make him pay for his curiosity!

Page Five.

Rahan did not hear the little old man slipping behind him.

Rahan is lost!
He will join the territory of the shadows!
The Nahjas were rising up on all sides and Rahan, in fact, had no chance of surviving!

No! No! Ra-ha-ha!
The blade of ivory cut at the bodies, decapitating the snakes.

But this stubborn resistance was in vain. The reptiles attacked him from everywhere, biting all his limbs.

Ten times he succumbed to the devastating effects of the terrible venom.
Now, He felt nothing.
Except for the disgusting contact of the scaly bodies!
What? What? Rahan is still alive?
Why? Why?

Page Six

Ha-ha-ha! Admit that Jouhara gave you a great scare, “Hair of Fire”!
These Nah-Jaks are harmless!
We pulled out their venom fangs.

To make poison for our arrows!
We keep them in this pit only to impress our prisoners!

The hunters, disappointed, returned.
Jouhara did not need you to capture "Fire Hair"!

It was with immense relief that the son of Crao tore himself away from the teeming and hideous mass.

But, the arrows that were pointed at him he now knew were poisoned.
You were right, he is robust!
Let us hope he can handle the "Venom of Docility"!

Page Seven.

For many moons, I have dreamed of a poison that would not kill our enemies, but would break their will, making them docile like slaves.

This “Docility Venom” I make with that of Nah-Jaks and other mixtures.
Alas, to this day no captive has survived.

Rahan will not be not a new victim of your experiments!
The son of Crao disengaged himself from the men who held him.

Confine him in the hut!

A little later.
Rahan will quickly break these bonds! But after that?
In the darkness of the hut he could make out jars of water and other beverages.
Screaming sounds came from a bamboo vat.

Page Eight.

The bonds were harder to break than he thought.
But they gave in all the same!

In the tank, Najas would be tangled.
Hum. If these are not in the pit it is because we have not yet removed their venom fangs!

Small bowls of earth contained a clear, transparent liquid.
The venom of docility of Jouhara!

However, Jouhara harangued the clan.
Thanks to the venom of docility, we will become the most powerful clan in the territory!

Let us hope the venom does not kill the captive!
As is habit!

Page Nine.

Two men had rushed towards the large hut.
Alert! Alert! He has gotten free!

All the hunters rushed forwards.
And the son of fierce ages appeared, pushing the vat to the Najas.
Get back, all of you!

The overturned vat rolled among the men, spilling out its formidable contents.
But this moment of panic was very brief.

The hunters of Najas, with their remarkable skill, were already reacting.
Rahan thought the moment was right to escape.

It is just a warning, "Fire hair"!

Page Ten.

And do not forget that all our arrows are poisoned!
You will not shoot since you need Rahan alive!

It is true.
But rather than seeing you escape from us, we will not hesitate!

The other captives were small and frail.
This is why they succumbed!

But you are a strong hunter!
You will endure the “Venom of Docility”!
Jouhara plunged a long thorn into the venom.

The son of Crao did not have a chance of surviving.
But the arcs remained drawn. He resigned himself.
And the thorn penetrated deep into his vein!

Page Eleven.

And jouhara screamed with joy.
He has not been struck down like the others!
He is alive! I have succeeded!
I have discovered “The venom of docility”!

Crawl, Rahan! Crawl at my feet!
A murmur of astonishment arose when the captive complied.

And crawled servilely at Jouhara's feet.
From now on all our prisoners will become as docile!

The son of Crao no longer had any reflexes or reactions whatsoever.
He knew nothing except for the orders given to him.
Ah-ha-ha! You can give him back his knife!

Rahan no longer needs knife!
But yes Rahan, but yes.
You will need it!

Page Twelve.

You will need it to go hunting for us!
Rahan, go and bring us some game before nightfall!

The triumphant clan watched their slave walk away towards the forest, with the hesitant gait of a sleepwalker.

But, as soon as he was out of sight, it was the son of Crao who let his joy explode.
Ha-ha-ha! They will wait for Rahan for a long time!

He saw himself again, in the hut, emptying the bowls of translucent venom and replacing it.
With pure water!

To escape this clan, these Nah-jaks, these poisoned arrows, this devastating venom, Rahan had to play a strange comedy.
And it was because he had played it well that his cry of victory was so vibrant.

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