Harry Enten on Biden Slamming Polls: He Loved the Poll Four Years Ago When He Was Leading

4 months ago

[Clip starts]
Biden: “We’ve already turned around. Look — look at the Michigan survey where 65% American people think they‘re in good shape economically. They think the nation‘s not in good shape, but they‘re personally in good shape. The polling data has been wrong all along. You know, how many of you guys do a poll at CNN, how many folks do you have to call to get one response? The idea that we‘re in a situation where things are so bad that folks — I mean, we‘ve created more jobs...”
[Clip ends]

BURNETT: “So he doesn‘t like the polls, he doesn‘t like what they‘re showing right now. Is he right or is it wishful thinking?”
ENTEN: “He loved the polls four years ago when they showed him ahead. These are the same polls now. But here‘s the thing. The polls can be right at this point, and then keep in mind, we still have six months until the election. Polls can change plenty. You go back over history, you look back since 1972, the average difference between the polls at this point and the final result, 6 points. The biggest difference was 15 points in 1988, Michael Dukakis was ahead.”
BURNETT: “A huge swing. And even on Election Day, polls can be off substantially and people point that out. What does history show?”
ENTEN: “Yeah, you know, talk about the battleground states, look at the errors on Election Day. In the average battleground states, the polls were off 6 points since 1972. In 2020, they were off 5 points. So for talking about 1-, 2-point leads in these battleground states, the polls could be showing one thing and then the other person could certainly win.”
BURNETT: “And that would show historically true. Because we know people are going to say, oh, who knows, fraud, whatever. Look at history, it always happens, Harry, thank you.”
ENTEN: “Thank you.”

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