MZTV 1472: Salvation From a Human is Futile

10 months ago

Christianity believes that salvation from a human (in cooperation with Christ) is essential. God says (Psalm 60:11) that salvation from a human is futile. I wonder who is right.

I'm not myself yet. I tried setting up the studio today, but this was the best I could do. It basically sucks but I fixed it with editing tricks. Don't think I'll be able to swing the studio yet for a while. I'll do what I can.

There's still something going on in my mouth; continual pain; follow-up appointment is on Wednesday. Apparently I did myself much damage.

Dental work in North Miami is futile.

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MZ/IB Archive: WCCD Grace Cafe: Christianity Mistranslates Important Words – June 30, Hour 1:


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