Article 4808 Video - A Timely Repost Concerning "Insurrection" By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 4808 Video - A Timely Repost Concerning "Insurrection" - Sunday, May 12, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

With politicians in the District of Columbia throwing the words "Insurrection" and "Sedition" around like popcorn kernels, and the January 6th Visitors (I decline the Mainstream Media label, "Protestors") being accused of these serious crimes, this is a timely posting of the rewritten (circa 1954) Insurrection Act, so that people can get a better idea of what "insurrection" and "sedition" and "misprision of treason" and other such arcane words mean.

I also mean for everyone to know what to do in the event that you become aware of any such nefarious activities, because it is your duty to inform certain officials if you become aware of these "crimes of state".

What is problematic in these recitations is, as always, which "United States" is being referenced? The verbiage runs "the United States", but that same verbiage has been used in so many different contexts and holds so many different meanings, it is necessary to nail down the specifics in the definitions section of the Act.

We can tell you from long practice and the time period involved, that in 1954, the phrase "the United States" in Federal Code generally means the Municipal United States Government, while The United States is and remains the name of this country as a nation-state in proper English.

The entity being protected, then, is not this country and not its national government. It's the Municipal Federal Subcontractor and its government that is mistakenly or additionally being protected by the Territorial Government's Insurrection Act.

Please note that from 1776 onward, the Union States did business as "the United States" and continued to do so until 1851, when they began operating as The United States. In 1790 the Municipal Government also started doing business as "the United States" when they exercised delegated powers.

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