JUAN O SAVIN- When two or more gather in HIS name- Meri Crouley 5 10 2024

10 months ago

Juan and Meri have a very nice conversation and bring up several verses and incidents where GOD has his hand on all those involved. HE is our FATHER and he does see to the ministries of those that SERVE HIM.
Meri Crouley: https://rumble.com/v3zc1f6-juan-o-savin-open-the-heavens-meri-crouley-12-2-2023.html this is the fire tunnel show that came first and then....
A God Moment with Delora OBrien 4 days later: https://rumble.com/v406fkh-juan-o-savin-a-god-moment-right-on-time-delora-obrien-12-6-2023.html
Two Presidents Trey Smith with Kim Clement : https://rumble.com/v4g5tp2-trey-smith-two-presidents-kim-clement-prophacies-2-28-2024.html
The current events driving the Financial markets: https://rumble.com/v4tviox-juan-o-savin-where-are-we-now-drain-it-red-pill-project-5-7-2024.html

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