MZTV 1468: Confessions of a Hopelessly Religious Man

10 months ago

I didn’t realize until I was editing this video that I was already starting to talk with a little bit of a lisp because my tooth infection was going from the right side of my throat into my mouth—specifically under my tongue.

I woke up at 12:30 am to find the bottom of my mouth so swollen that I couldn’t even stick out my tongue or tuck the tip of it under my teeth. The abscess was pushing my tongue toward the top of my mouth.

I was dressing to go to the ER when I started researching abscesses, and I realized that I would PROBABLY not go into sepsis, and that I will PROBABLY still be able to breathe, and so I got back undressed and went to bed.

Since waking up at 4 o’clock, the swelling has gone down somewhat. Nevertheless, for your entertainment, I will share with you on Monday a short video I made showing how I was talking during the full-blown mouth invasion.

Today’s MZTV is a beautiful/horrible analysis of how religion will drive a man to feats of asceticism that completely ignore and deny the cross of Christ. It is a phenomenon that has captured BILLIONS of people. This is the work of Satan. And this is why Jesus said prostitutes will enter the kingdom before priests.


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