Speaking of Earth & Some Other Subject Matter! See Desc!

10 months ago

There are MANY other subjects that it took me a little while to confirm to myself that it was actually real, like the so-called cell phone towers and GWEN towers being frequency weapons systems and how deep the Geo Engineering actually goes and how it plays a big part in and for the medical system, and on and on and on and on!!! But I kept a very opened mind and I just kept going, intellect and intuition are very strong in me at this point!!!!
Even though I am having some minor neurological issues that I can sense and tell the difference myself! I’m doing what I can to work on that, you guys just grab as much information as you can, look at the more important issues and topics of today and dive into them and learn the truth, It’s up to you!
Much love!
⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ AetherMedia22 Tony Punch ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
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This Is The Real Great Awakening! More and more people are snapping out of the spell, waking up and beginning to see It All! All I really want is to help the ones waking up with me and after me to have a fighting chance to Break The Illusion, See The Lies, The Complete Deception Of This World! Never Go Against Your Gut Instinct, Its There For A Reason!💯 And Remember NO FEAR!!! Just Be Aware & Prepared!!!
Compassion, Empathy & Love Are Gonna Come Back With a Vengeance! 💪
See Ya'll Out There Somewhere, I Hope! 🙏
Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤
https://www.youtube.com/@AetherMedia22TonyPunch <Not This One Anymore Deleted & Banned Access For Dangerous Conspiracy Theories😁
NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!
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Thank You Very Much! 🙏 Tony

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