Weather Isnt Just Changing, Its Being Engineered! Serge Vs Goliath

5 hours ago

For decades, geoengineering operations have been modifying our skies—spraying aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene oxide, and silver oxide under the guise of “climate control.” But this isn’t about saving the planet.
It’s about CONTROL.
🌪 Directing storms & droughts
🔥 Supercharging wildfires
🌾 Destroying farmland
🥀 Creating famine & dependence
Think these disasters are natural? Think again. HAARP, chemtrails, and weather manipulation are turning the climate into a weapon.
❌ The government denies it.
❌ The media covers it up.
❌ The billionaires buy up what’s left.
💀 What if this is all part of a larger plan?
🔻Source: Serge Vs Goiath🔻
🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻
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