Legacy media already assume Trump wins

10 months ago

Legacy media already assume Trump wins
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Legacy media organs and personalities already are sounding dire, paranoid alarms not only about Trump winning the upcoming election, but what he will do to them, and to those with whom they sympathize, when he returns to the White House. Of course they oversimplify, as is usual with paranoid ideation. Furthermore, much of what they say they fear, they themselves would do in his place. But much of it is actually the reverse of what they and the Biden administration have done to President Trump. Naturally they have none to blame but themselves, and already they begin to know it.
Latest legacy media alarm
CNN reported this definite cold, hard fact about the Presidential Election of 2024. Their polling among registered voters shows Trump leading Biden 49 percent to 43 percent. They also acknowledge that 55 percent of their sample considered Trump’s Presidency a success. That’s the exact reverse of how people felt about Trump immediately after the January 6 event.
That’s telling. It really means that Joe Biden’s “Residency” has been an abject failure, worse than Trump warned it would be. By now, everybody knows it – except those who wanted it that way. Leftism likes to say that right-ism is the ideology of selfishness. Theirs is the ideology of spite. As the late Ayn Rand might have said: they don’t want to live; they want us to die.
James Carville, according to Margaret Flavin of The Gateway Pundit, gave the perfect illustration.
[If Trump wins] There will be no government left, there will be no rights left, you will live under theocracy, you'll end up with Christian Nationalism.
But that’s [all right], you little … 26 year old[s]. You don't feel like the election’s important.
From the above we can assume that James Carville is a militant atheist, like the Bolsheviks of the last century.
Mike LaChance, also of The Gateway Pundit, reported that Joe Scarborough expressed fear that the violent pro-HAMAS protests on American college campuses would ensure Trump’s re-election. Specifically he compared those protests to the violent demonstrations that attended the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (And the student demonstrations in that day, that shocked a country that had never before seen the like.)
He actually called out university administrators for allowing such violence to go on. But considering his history, those complaints ring hollow.
Worried for their jobs?
Jim Hoft reported on Nicolle Wallace’ rant on MSNBC about whether she would even have a job if Trump wins. The immediate source of her concern was the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which apparently was a public-relations disaster. When Trump was President, he never attended it – but he still let it go on. Joe Biden attended it, and apparently he made a fool of himself, and Trump called him on it.
So now Nicolle Wallace is suggesting that Trump, if he wins, will cancel the dinner. More broadly, she said:
Depending on what happens in November, this time next year, I might not be sitting here. There might not be a White House Correspondents Dinner or a free press. While our democracy wouldn’t exactly fall apart immediately without it, the real threat looms larger: A candidate with outward disdain, not just for a free press but for all of our freedoms. And for the rule of law itself.
Eric Abbenante, whom we have to thank for these clips, reminded everyone of the low ratings for her show. Low ratings, circulation, etc., seems to be a pervasive problem for the legacy media.
Beyond that, notice the hypocrisy of Wallace’ claim that Trump has “disdain for a free press.” CNAV doesn’t recall her protesting the censorship regime of Big Tech and Big Intel beginning before the Election of 2020. No one, who pretends to care for a free press, has any business complaining about “misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.” Those are the price one pays for freedom of the press, and the proper counter to lies, is the truth.
Another TIME piece
But the most stunning piece of paranoid ideation in the legacy media today comes from Time Magazine. Time editorialist Eric Cortelessa scored an interview with Trump, and published it in this week’s edition. His piece made the cover, too. Time showed the former President, wearing a dark suit against a jet-black background, with this caption: “If he wins.”
Ben Kew at The Gateway Pundit summarized it.
Cortelessa got maybe one thing right:
Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice.
Nice, that is, to advisers he never should have appointed. He knows it, and it shows. Take heart from this assessment:
Now he is in charge. The arranged marriage with the timorous Republican Party stalwarts is over; the old guard is vanquished, and the people who remain are his people.
If he had come to Washington with his team in 2017, he’d still be in the White House today. More to the point, when he returns, Cortelessa outlines the program he expects:
1. Deporting at least 11 million people who have come into the country illegally after Biden let them in,
2. Withholding appropriated funds if he doesn’t think they are going to a good purpose,
3. Firing United States Attorneys who fail to carry out the law,
4. Pardoning the January 6 defendants, and
5. Reforming the Civil Service to get rid of the hangers-on.
Cortelessa betrayed his own hypocrisy when he poured contempt on Trump’s announcement that abortion would be a matter for State, not federal, law. Obviously he would see no abortion unperformed, as is typical – but Trump stands for States’ rights, and he stands against them.
Legacy media and its double standards
That’s only one of the double standards the legacy media, like those for whom they apologize, have. For instance, Eric Cortelessa complains that Trump might, or might not, “come to the aid of an ally.” Well, if he’s talking about Ukraine, that’s one “ally” that an America First administration should cut loose from the first. Aaron Maté, in seventeen pages of prose, illustrates brilliantly that the Democrats conspired for ten years to get the United States into a war with something called Russia today. Ukraine has been their pawn, and their money laundry – a laundry that RINOS used as well. Worse, it has been a center for biological weapons development – and child trafficking. President Trump needs to use the evidence Maté developed – from his interview with former Ukrainian diplomat Andrii Telizhenko – to complete the investigation House Democrats interrupted with their impeachment of him.
But if Cortelessa wants to talk more about allies – well, he cagily qualified the word ally with the phrase in Europe. Obviously he means to exclude the one ally who deserves any American support: the State of Israel. The American left deliberately loses sight of the atrocities a declared enemy of Israel committed. Indeed they seem to think Israel deserved what it got on October 7, 2023. Never mind that Israel takes care of its artistic and architectural antiquities, better than any other country in the world. Remember, too, that Israel does not traffic in children – or develop biological weapons.
People haven’t heard the truth
The major sin of the legacy media is one of omission – not so much outright lies as dissemblance. But to support that omission, they told the lie that anyone exposing the truth was spreading “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.” For that reason only, people were ready – once – to believe that:
1. A hapless Chinese citizen made a batch of bat soup and, by that act, unleashed a plague that threatened to decimate the human race. (The World Health Organization would still have people believe that such a thing almost did happen, and could happen. It is how they propose to institute one-world government.)
2. The Maidan “Color Revolution” in Ukraine represented a home-grown movement for self-determination against a cruel and cynical would-be master.
3. That same master, which today calls itself the Russian Federation, is a would-be empire builder. Furthermore it represents a step back in time, to oligarchy and theocracy. (How ironic! Once upon a time, Russia represented the ultimate in human progress! But that’s when it called itself “Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.”)
Today we know better. We know that coronavirus was a biological weapon, developed in Ukraine. Likewise the vaccines were another kind of weapon. Russia is not the enemy of humankind – but she is the enemy of that Deep State seeking to rule, then depopulate, the world. Furthermore, Russia didn’t intervene in the Election of 2016. Ukraine did. The legacy media did not report any of this – because they had orders not to.
What is likely to happen
More broadly, the legacy media would have you believe that a President Trump will directly shut down legacy media outlets. He doesn’t have to do any such thing, apart from Constitutional considerations. The American people are doing it for him, by depriving the legacy media of viewership, circulation, and revenue. But one thing he can and should do, is to dis-accredit certain reporters who have sullied their profession by lying. (Likely he won’t. If Ronald Reagan could tolerate Helen Thomas for as long as he did, Trump will do likewise. Maybe he’ll want the Joe Scarboroughs and Nicolle Wallaces around as foils. Then again, the American people might do it for him.)
One definite thing he should do, is to disband National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service. As Charles Lipson pointed out two weeks ago, no government should ever fund a domestic news organ. The conflict of interest is obvious. Let the current sponsors of the Masterpiece programs port them to the Arts and Entertainment Channel. The C-SPAN channels can remain, to cover Congressional proceedings and Supreme Court oral arguments. But news must have private funding only.
The legacy media dug their own grave, with their lies, their tolerance for fornication and theft, and promotion of covetousness. They can’t blame their troubles on Trump, who will mostly let the market exact its justice. And do what the American people want him to do.
Link to:
The article:

James Carville’s temper tantrum, in excerpt and full-length video:

Joe Scarborough calling out university administrations:

Nicolle Wallace’ lament:

Direct link to the cover of TIME:

Post showing the cover of TIME:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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