The Hidden Truth_ Government's Unseen Company

7 months ago

The Hidden Truth_ Government's Unseen Company
Government rapes, pillages and plunders you via attorneys, state agencies and the IRS. You believe Constitutional due-process and fairness still exists in the Law, courtroom and everything is the way it's supposed to be. They altered the facts of history in text books to hide agendas! A commercial scheme has been implemented by government without your knowledge or consent.

You live in a fictional-world and are dragged into the commercial reality of fines, fees, taxes, DEBTS, and court. Your blood and labor is converted into what you think is dollars along with the message, 'Go forth and be a good citizen/subject, do what you’re told, shut-up and be sure to vote!’ In this fictional-world of make-believe, the masses are subjected to playing a gigantic Monopoly-Game where there’s no real-money and bankers win.

Reliable sources, including attorneys, reveal Law has no bearing on what happens in court proceedings as much as the Procedure of which is only known to BAR members - judges, prosecutors, attorneys, defense-attorney you hire or who is compelled upon you, who extracts your time – community-service/slave-labor, money/bail-liens-levy-garnishment-fine-restitution, property/child-home-car-bank-account, your liberty/detention-jail-prison-probation.

FACTS: Attorneys may ONLY re-present your Debtor/artificial-person/entity. Court-proceedings are purely Administrative and not Judicial as the State and Federal organic-Constitutions mandate. In these Administrative-proceedings, these so-called courts refuse to explain the Nature-and-Cause of the action, never prove Jurisdiction and never allow you to have Counsel-of-your-Choice and never allow the jury to decide the law in a case/trial. Those Administrative-Tribunals are not Constitutional Judicial-Courts of Due-Process.

So-called, American-Politicians praise the passage of Bills no members of Congress read, or brought before the unbiased masses for scrutiny: because the Federal-Constitution is not for the-People. Bills pass that profoundly restrict freedom-of-speech, property-rights, and freedom-of-travel, but give public-servants more-power & authority without accountability to the people. Tax-Bills - Federal, State, property, traffic tickets, child-support payment come at you from them. Do you have the money to pay this? You might be jailed or forced to do community-service-work to PAY a debt-to-society.

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