5 Minutes on Faith: To Keep the Faith Instantly Obey the Voice of Your Spirit! Part 4 #56

5 months ago

Building our Faith requires orderly steps: Meditation on the Word Practicing the Word Giving the Word first place Obeying your spirit

1.Every human being is born with a spirit placed in them by the Creator of life. Some may call it a conscious, intuition, 6th sense, or a hunch, but it is the voice that speaks to us from inside.

2.God prophesized he would give us a new heart and spirit sensitive and responsive to the touch of God. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hebrews

3.Give your new spirit the privilege of meditation on the Word of God and the Word will become its source of information. Put the Word First place in your life.

4.Prov 20:27 “The spirit of the man is the candle of the Lord.” It has within it the life and nature of God. The Holy Spirit dwells in your new spirit which is how God communicates with us. As we respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit he will: correct, direct, protect and perfect our lives.
5. Your spirit must be fed continually; it will take time to develop, much like a child does not advance through 12 academic years in a week, repetition of information and teaching is required to “train up a child in the way they should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov 22:6 the same applies to our spirit.

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