Episode 224: Two kingdoms, two kings, two fathers, two natures, two desires

9 months ago

There are only two kingdoms with two kings, who are the two fathers, with different natures and desires. To which do you belong?

In today's Bible study we discover that there are only two kingdoms in this world. The world is defined as Heaven where God resides, the heavens where Jesus who is the visible part of God, the holy angels, and the demons reside, and earth which is all things discoverable to men.

In these two kingdoms, there are only two kings, God and Satan.

All the inhabitants of each of these two kingdoms are the offspring of the two kings within their respective kingdoms. There is no cross pollination.

The offspring of the two kings have inherited the nature of their respective father hence because of this inheritance they desire and willfully participate in all the activities of the king's kingdom.

To which of these kingdoms do you belong?

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