Chemtrails are Destroying the Soil & Monsanto’s Patent for Soil Contaminated by Aluminum

10 months ago

Chemtrails are serving multiple purposes and none of them are good for humanity. These guys are just insane for doing all of this.

Monsanto, who is now owned by the Bayer, one of the companies that participated in Holocaust, now has a patent for growing food in soil that is contaminated by Aluminum.

Hmm, now why would they have this?

Sounds like they are going to make sure the heirloom seeds do not grow by blocking nutrient absorption and going to take over the seed, food and soil market.

This means they in cahoots with the secret government running the chemtrail program around the world.

CSIRO – Commwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization – they had mastered cloud seeding by the very least 1961 as they can increase rainfalls in areas that don’t get rain.

Operation Popeye – military cloudseeding project carried out by the US Air Force in the Vietnam War
from 1967 – 1972. They wanted to make it so muddy they couldn’t move their ammunition supplies around.

So they were able to make it rain 60 years ago.

They can make it rain or they can take the humidity and moisture out of the air so it doesn’t rain with their chem spraying.

If they can do it for WAR they can do it for ares in the USA experiencing droughts, but do you think they will? Hell no.

But they will sure spew their propaganda and fear about the droughts, when they have the answer to prevent them. Lies, lies and more lies.

Henry Kissinger sponsored this and he famously said “Control the Food, Control the People.”

Control the Weather control the Food.

Now they are controlling the weather which can flood crops and dry them out and they are controlling the soils so their seeds will be the only seeds that work, meaning all food will be GMO and even normal gardeners will be forced to buy their seeds as heirloom seeds will not grow in the near term future.

All of this is contamination is falling from the skies. The f*ckers are poisoning our lungs and our land and attacking our animals.

These idiots are flat out controlled by Satan and they believe him to be their God as he gives them directions on how to control and depopulate us but they are being deceived just as we are. Those morons are breathing the same air, but the problem is that they simply don’t care, they care about money, power and holding high positions, whether it be in politics, government, corporate, or military.

Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF – they admit to weather modification services.

Mount Shasta is contaminated with Aluminum, Barium and the nanoparticles are being uptaken in plants and animals.

But they aren’t chemtrails, they are water contrails. Get that in your head you conspiracy theorists.



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END. 5/06/2024 – 3:00 PM

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