RFK Jr.: ‘If I Had to Label Myself, I Would Say that I’m a Classic Liberal or a Kennedy Democrat’

8 months ago

In my independent campaign for president liberals have been calling me a conservative and conservatives have been calling me a liberal this isn’t just name calling the confusion is genuine for many people and maybe you yourself aren’t sure where you are I don’t really think these categories are very useful anymore my father was opposed by the liberal establishment when he ran for president 1968 and so it’s confusing even for me sometimes about how to label myself but if I had to label myself I would say and I’m a classic liberal or a Kennedy Democrat so let me help you unravel with that all means because I want you to vote for me or against me not based upon the labels that people fix to me rather based on my position on the various issues first the classic liberal protects civil liberties from authoritarianism for most of my life it was the Republicans who sought to restrict freedom of speech and cour other constitutional freedoms in the name of national security or Law and Order for the last 10 years or so it’s been the Democrats who are restricting free speech and other constitutional rights so who are the real liberals here as president I’m going to roll back the surveillance State and restore America as the land of liberty second the classic liberal beliefs in free market capitalism but understands that the need to protect the public from corporate access is is also important without regulation and oversight corporations cheap they capture government agencies and they pervert free markets transforming the system from free market capitalism into corporate crony capitalism a system of this very cushy socialism for the rich and a merciless barbaric capitalism for the poor for example they pollute the air and water and soil and leave the cost to the public that’s Che or they infiltrate government and they write laws and regulations in their favor in recent years both political parties have failed to stop this undermining of our democracy by crooked industry lobbyists as president I’m going to level the playing field so that consumers and small businesses at last have a chance I’m going to get corporate influence out of government once and for all third a classic liberal sticks up for the little guy and the people who get left out and the of those who have been left out have been growing every year as president I’m going to reverse that Trend and bring them back in fourth and this might surprise you a classic liberal favors a strong border that’s because uncontrolled immigration depresses wages putting American workers in competition with an endless pool of easily exploited labor as president I’m going to bring order to the Border I’m going to end the humanitarian crisis there and allow the optimum level of lawful orderly immigration into this country the classic liberal maintains a healthy skepticism of the intelligence services and the war machine the classic liberal seeks peace and pursues democracy recently Democrats and Republicans have sought to outdo each other in their belligerence as president I’m going to keep us out of foreign conflicts and bring the resources home to rebuild our own country six the classic liberal nurtures the future of our country robust health and economic opportunities for Young Americans and the opportunity to get into a home will be my priority seventh a classic liberal protects the environment as president I will return us to the traditional environmentalism that protects our Wilderness rebuilds soils preserves our forest and rivers and endangered species and biodiversity I’m going to get the toxic chemicals out of our food supply and our water as part of my drive to reduce the chronic disease epidemic in America eth classic liberalism recognizes that stable democracies require a strong middle class giant disparities in wealth between rich and poor create a configuration that is too unstable to support a constitutional republic as president I’m going to Foster entrepreneurial ecosystems and prioritize Main Street over Wall Street and rebuild the American middle class finally classic liberalism is about fairness this economy has become extremely polarized as Labor’s share of the income has fallen steeply to the benefit of Corporations and the super wealthy as president I’m going to raise the minimum wage support labor close tax loopholes for the super rich cut housing costs and increase support for women and children with free daycare and a stronger food stamp program I love the fact that creative industrious hardworking people can get rich in our country but we also have to take care of the less fortunate so that no child ever goes hungry in America call me liberal call me a Kennedy Democrat call me independent or conservative whatever you want I don’t care these are the things that I believe in and that’s where I stand if you resonate with my vision for our country then I invite you to stand with me I invite you to be part of the reweaving of America I invite you to join our Coalition of liberals conservatives committed to taking this country back not just for the left or right but for the American people [Music]

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