Raskin: The Supreme Court Should Just Be Moved to the RNC Headquarters

5 months ago

This Supreme Court majority, Leonard Leo six, are so clearly politicians, the only difference between them and politicians like yourself is you’re honest about it. You’re a democratic politician. They are Republican politicians trying to achieve Republican goals. They didn’t even pretend today that they had some constitutional argument. Even as a lay person, I didn’t hear them try. What I heard was them saying we’re going to make sure that Donald Trump is protected from prosecution, the end, and what are you going to do about it. Your thoughts?
>> Well, they’re politicians who are not even subject to popular election, unlike me. They should move the Supreme Court over to the RNC headquarters, because they’re acting like a bunch of partisan operatives. The most astonishing thing for me today was Justice Alito’s question, he actually asked whether holding the president criminally accountable for actual crimes committed, whether murder or coup or you name it, whether holding them accountable would actually encourage them to stage more violent coups to stay in office to avoid prosecution. Which buys completely into Donald Trump’s narcicisstic criminal world view. For all of American history, we have said presidents are subject to criminal prosecution if they commit crimes. That’s why Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. That’s why Bill Clinton agrees to give up his law license with the bar for five years. Now they say, well, if you’re really mean to Donald Trump and hold him accountable the way every other American citizen is accountable, then he’ll really overthrow the government. He’ll really bring out the big guns and we can’t afford that. And that’s a kind of masochistic capitulation to Donald Trump’s authoritarianism. Of course we have to hold the president accountable to the law. It’s the basic premise of our law that nobody is above the law, including the president. And when they say, oh, well, you can impeach and convict him and then you can prosecute him, again, that twists the language and turns it upside down in the Constitution. It says even if you’re impeached and convicted, nevertheless, you can still be prosecuted and tried and convicted and punished. Presuming presupposing that of course the president is subject to criminal law, and now we’ve got a bunch of justices who are asking questions that indicate that they are as corrupted as members of Congress who I serve with. When we get through this period, this miserable period of American history, and we will get through it and we’re going to beat them all in November, which is the only solution to this nonsense, these people are going to be fit only for selling incense and flowers at dulles

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