Dr. Liz Mumper – Explains Financial Incentives for Vaccinating Children and Dangers of mRNA Vaccines

10 months ago

***This is a GEM! *Must See and Share!! 3 Minutes of Valuable INFO!!!

Dr. Elizabeth Mumper – “It is True that there are built in incentives for pediatricians to give vaccines according to the CDC schedule. If, for example with my BlueCross-BlueShield Contract, if I have a certain percentage of my patients, 90% or 95%, fully vaccinated by the age of 2 years, I get $400 per patient.”

“It’s going to shock everybody to know that they haven’t really studied what it’s like to put DPT, HPV and IPV and Prevnar together which has been happening routinely for several years. So, as new vaccines are added to the schedule, they have NEVER studied them in combination.”

“I am very distressed in the way Covid Vaccine is even being added for all the reasons we discussed but I think it is very irresponsible to essentially add it in with other vaccines without any data to see how those children fair.”

“One of the things that upsets me so much is learning about all the awful things that Spike Proteins and Lipid Nanoparticles do and then thinking about giving FOUR shots to Babies and yearly for what used to be a 76 year lifespan for women at least.”

“The number of times we are going to subject this baby to an mRNA that is Synthetic, that’s not our Natural mRNA, it’s going to induce them to make a spike protein which we know has toxic effects, and as I am learning more and more about what it does on a cellular level and how it dysregulates our immune system, how it interferes with Toll-like Receptor Pathways which are very important, how it causes Heart Problems.”

“The thing about Myocarditis that worries me so much is there have been several studies now that have confirmed what I thought clinically, which is that a lot of cases of myocarditis in kids are going to be missed clinically because some of the symptoms are pretty non-specific and you don’t necessarily find it unless you look for it with things like the Troponin Levels or Echo cardiographs or gadolinium scan.”

“This idea that somehow we think that this myocarditis is going to be kinder and gentler is not a hypothesis that we want to risk the hearts of this whole generation on.”

“Giving Covid Shots to Babies, that’s the Hell I’m going to die on. I’m going to fight as much as I can to make that NOT happen.”

Source: bumblebee101074 -- https://www.tiktok.com/@bumblebee101074/video/7215571279364099333


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Thank You!!

END. 5/04/2024 – 3:00 PM

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