5 Minutes on Faith: God's Triptych: tell them, tell them and tell them again! #50

8 months ago

Matthew 24:4-6: Jesus, on the mount of Olives addressing the end times said “Take heed that no man deceive you… (6) Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye not be troubled…”

1. Stay in faith: do not invite chaos into your spirit. Do not start talking fear words, and through the power of those word bring wicked things not your life.

2. Remain focused and grounded on the promises of God. Every aspect of any need you have in life is addressed and conquered in the WORD.

3. Do NOT allow anything happening in the world distract you.

a. Turn off the news and disengage from social media.
b. Apply the Dan Bongino rule: Wait 24-72 hours before you respond or form an opinion about any unsettling event; as there is ALWAYS more to the story than what is initially conveyed.

Because of the WORD “It is possible for me to live in a troubled world without trouble.” Jerry Savelle

Link to Dr. Savelle’s final sermon April 14, 2024 in California

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