Sharing the Gospel Through Music with Guest Steele Croswhite

10 months ago

Life can take many twists and turns through dark times and unexpected tragedies. But we can rest assured knowing there is nothing that happens outside of God’s knowledge and His purposeful plan. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Roger Marsh interviews Steele Croswhite, a singer/songwriter, pastor and leader of the Christian worship band, The Rock Music Group. Steele explains how his pursuit of fame and fortune through music not only led him far from the Christian life he was brought up in, but ironically, it was worship music that rescued his empty, hurting soul.

About Today's Guest: Steele Croswhite
Steele Croswhite is a singer/songwriter, producer and lyricist. He began his career fronting the successful band Silvercrush, but drifted from his Christian upbringing. After visiting The Rock Church in Draper, Utah over two decades ago, Steele rededicated his life to the Lord, and now serves on staff as a worship leader and pastor. In addition, he is the leader of The Rock Music Group, a collaboration of artists who are dedicated to writing, recording, and performing Christ-centered music without compromise. Steele and his family reside in Utah.

Resources Mentioned:
The Rock Music -
10-day Bringing Up Boys Email Series -
Bringing Up Boys (book) -

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