‘He’s Sharp as a Tack!’ Actor Michael Douglas Defends Biden’s Mental Acuity During CNN Interview

10 months ago

ZAKARIA: “And we are back with Michael Douglas talking about his new series ‘Franklin’ on Apple TV+. Let’s talk about age. You’re about President Biden’s age. You’re doing fantastically. You look like a million bucks.”
Douglas: “Thank you.”
ZAKARIA: “Why don’t you run for president?”
Douglas: “I did the movie once, you know, but I — “
ZAKARIA: “Did it ever tempt you?”
Douglas: “Well, I knew — I had the ending. So, it’s the difference when you have the ending. No, they asked me to run for governor a couple of times in California, an earlier time. And I remember saying, ‘Well, why do you want me?’ They said, ‘Well, we need a man who can finance his own campaign.’ I said, ‘Yeah?’ ‘You know, who has a credibility, notoriety, who is well-known around and everything.’ And I remember saying, ‘Are you sure you’re not looking for a kamikaze pilot?’ I said, ‘I don’t think so.’”
ZAKARIA: “So, you and Biden are about the same age. Do you think — you know, are you one of those people who wished he had bowed out, let the field choose somebody else? How do you — how do you think about that?”
Douglas: “Well, I think — I think that I walk a little similar to him. And the people that I’ve talked to and everybody that I have say he’s as sharp as a tack, he’s fine. We all have an issue with memories as we get older, we forget names, something. He has overcome a stutter in his life, sometimes he might — but let’s just say that his entire cabinet, including his vice president, everybody says cabinet, would be more than happy to work with him again in the next term. I cannot say that about the other candidate running, because nobody in his — in his cabinet from 2016 wants to be involved with him.”

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