Utah Students Walk out After School Allow ‘Furries’ to Attack Them Without Repercussions

9 months ago

Reporter: “So are they wearing a mask everyday?”
STUDENT 1: “But every time they go, they’re always just wearing a mask, but the principal finally stood up and banned those guys.”
STUDENT 2: “But they still wear them every day.”
STUDENT 3: “The principal doesn’t make them get in trouble.”
STUDENT 1: “All the principal says is, ‘Just be kind. Be nice. Be nice.’”
Reporter: “What’s the point of dressing up like a Furry?”
STUDENT 4: “They think they’re so cool — “
STUDENT 3: “They want attention.”
STUDENT 1: “So people can come out and just look at them and be like, ‘They’re so cool.’”
Reporter: “Okay. Are you guys gonna be in trouble for walking out of school today?”
STUDENT 4: “Maybe.”
STUDENT 5: “If we go back on school grounds, we will get in trouble.”
STUDENT 1: “We’re standing for what the Furries are wrong — we’re standing for where the Furries are — “
Reporter: “Do your parents know you guys are out here?”
STUDENT 1: “They fight us and we just kick them. We get in trouble.”
STUDENT 2: “They attack us.”
STUDENT 4: “They attack us and we get in trouble.”
Reporter: “How else do they attack you guys?”
STUDENT 4: “They bite us, they scratch us, they — they run on all fours and pounce on people.”
Reporter: “Why are they spraying you with Febreze?”
STUDENT 1: “Just ‘cause they’re jerks! And they are putting littler boxes in girls’ bathroom.”
STUDENT 5: “They’re putting litter boxes.”
Reporter: “I thought that was just a rumor.”
STUDENTS: “No, it’s true. It’s true.”
Reporter: “Is there something you say?”
STUDENT 6: “So, we can’t talk or say anything to the Furries or even look at them, but they can come look at us, and they can say stuff to us and touch us, but we get in trouble if we [inaudible].”
Reporter: “Interesting. That sounds like a double standard to me.”
STUDENT 6: “Yes.”
Reporter: “Okay. You guys stay on the sidewalk, okay?”

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