MZTV 1456: Is Paul's 1 Corinthians 7 Marital Advice Obsolete?

10 months ago

We are told by Christian scholars that either a persecution of the saints or the supposed coming indignation forced the apostle Paul's marital advice in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, especially when he encourages believers to remain single. Clyde Pilkington takes this to the next level, insisting that the advice here is not only obsolete, but that it belongs to a different era, and that now believers are to marry at every opportunity, seize the day—family-wise—and use up the world as much as they can.

What Mr. Pilkington and the Christian scholars have in common is that they both use the KJV. Mr. Pilkington's use of this error-ridden version is worse and less excusable, however, as he knows there's a better version available—the Concordant Literal New Testament. But he cherry-picks the KJV when needed to forward his "Family First" agenda.

In opposition to all this, I contend to you that Paul's marital advice of 1 Corinthians is timeless, and that there was NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER between the advice given to the Corinthians and that to the Ephesians some thirty years later.

This is probably part one of three.

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