Sunny Hostin Fears a Trump Supporter Will ‘Sneak onto that Jury’

10 months ago

HOSTIN: “This is a legal nerds Super Bowl, right? Like I’m kind of excited about the facat. That’s exciting to someone like me because you know, 50 people said I can’t even be impartial, which I admire them for their forthrightness and their honesty because you have to be honest when you’re a juror, but I still believe that they will be able to find an impartial jury, they are never going to find someone that doesn’t know about the former twice impeached loser president, right?”
BEHAR: “Yeah.”
HOSTIN: “No one’s — they’re never going to find that. But what I did find also interesting about my Super Bowl is that the legal team will be checking the jurors’ social media profiles to see if they can assess the truthfulness and intention of what they said during voir dire, which is their questioning. And I think that’s really really important because if you start liking Trump, and you follow Trump stuff on social media, are you going to — can you be impartial? I don’t really think so. And I think what could happen in a case like this is if you have someone — and — and we were talking about this morning, someone in Clay Travis is sort of telling people to get onto that jury, you get one person that sneaks onto that jury with untoward feelings that person can hang that jury.”
BEHAR: “How do you sneak onto a jury. You have to be —“ [crosstalk]
HOSTIN: “Well you lie. You lie. You say, I hate Trump. I — but I can be impartial. And I this and that. And then all of a sudden that’s the —“
BEHAR: “Where are they going to find a jury of his peers, how many bloated orange psychos are out there?”

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