MZTV 1455: Paul Instructs First Century Husbands How to Lose Their Wives?

9 months ago

Those who teach that Christ's return is probably hundreds of years away MUST divorce Paul's earlier epistles from his latter ones. Why? Because it was Paul's earlier epistles (1 Corinthians and 1 Thessalonians) where he revealed the secret of the snatching away of the body of Christ and that those body members alive at the return of Christ will not be put to repose.

This is bad news to those who are afraid of the snatching away and who would dread being removed from their families, and so they must concoct teachings that relegate Paul's early letters to a bone-heap of the past. Two of the teachings subserving this purpose are: 1) The Acts 28 Theory, and 2) The Pre-Millennial Kingdom Theory.

Clyde Pilkington embraces both of these theories, taking the further step of claiming that Paul's marriage advice of 1 Corinthians is NOT his marriage advice of Ephesians. But Clyde makes a critical mistake when teaching that Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 7:29 ("...let those having wives be as though not having them") would cause husbands not only to lose their wives but to grieve the holy spirit of God. AS IF Paul would EVER give marital advice to husbands that would cause such destruction.

Simply because Paul gives marital advice in Ephesians does NOT mean that Paul intends for marriage and family life to now be the pinnacle of a spiritual walk. And yet this is the artificial construct of those who MUST divorce the Ephesians Paul from the 1 Corinthians Paul in order to make the snatching away of the body of Christ disappear.


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