Ginsberg on Iran: Israel’s Air Defenses Cannot Stop that Type of Onslaught, You Can Expect American Forces Try to Defend Israel

10 months ago

WITT: “Joining me now is mark, the adviser from the U.S. Ambassador to — and a good friend, as well. Glad to see you here, mark. What do you expect?”

GINSBERG: “It depends on whether or not Iran will rely on Hezbollah to attack Israel, or whether or not Iran will send its missiles and its strong air force in order to attack Israel directly. And each component of that, Alex, as a certain time period. The bottom line, combined with Hezbollah, and the ballistic missile and cruise missile capacity, Israel’s air defenses certainly cannot stop that type of onslaught, which is one of the reasons why if they launch that magnitude of an attack, you can expect American forces to try to defend the skies.”

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