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Remember the 9/11 Molten Metal Psy-Op?

Revisiting 9/11
When someone mentions molten metal on 9/11, send them this video.
Full 2007 presentation here:
Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?
For more information check out Andrew Johnson’s research go to
Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11;
1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth -
2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth -
2024 DEMOLISHING Richard Gage and AE911

Revisiting 9/11
You can download the Refutation of Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
David Icke's disinformation on 9/11

Revisiting 9/11
From Richard D. Hall:
Many people ask me, "What is your opinion of David Icke?".
Today's show addresses this question. Putting the reptilian subject aside for one moment, David Icke has worked tirelessly over the last 25 years helping to expose the hidden agendas of those who really hold power in the world.
His written work on these subjects extends to 19 books which cover many subjects we have delved into on Richplanet TV.
Secret societies, intelligence agencies, mind control, hidden technology, hidden history and the puppet show politics which masks the real agendas.
David Icke has also written about 9/11 and incredibly realised the event was a set up on the day it happened - and then wrote a book about it.
Probably one of the first books to question the official 9/11 narrative.
9/11 Liars for Truth

Revisiting 9/11
3 hours – A cut down version of “Observable Evidence.”
Focuses on the Truth Movement.
Download full series here:
The PentaCon - A 9/11 "truther" Red Pill

Revisiting 9/11
Boston 9/11 Truth - November 11, 2023
Adam Eisenberg served as an infantryman with Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard) between September 11th - 30th, 2001, assisting in the security and cleanup efforts at the Pentagon.
Adam's professional working experience with aeronautical parts led him to discover some shocking anomalies between his first-responder experience and the official governmental narrative, both before and after the attack.
This inspired deeper research and investigation into what he's now formally calling, The Orion Project.
November 12, 2001 - The crash of AA flight 587 in NYC

Revisiting 9/11
9/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled.
Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001
✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️
You live in a time where your perception is being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
Pseudo-Events and the reality of 9/11

Revisiting 9/11
When looking into 9/11, these quotes and talking points tend to be very relevant.
Only a few are up to the point of their 9/11 truth seeking journey to be able to understand these quotes in context to the events of September 11, 2001.
Why are people afraid to seek REAL truth?
Why keep your head buried in the sand?
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
People need to realise, they live in a time where their perceptions are being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily to the government and MSM and in turn the so called "truther" movement - As there are bad actors in the alternative media, aka "truther" movements, especially when it comes to the events of September 11, 2001.
There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11:
1. POOR Problem solving skills
2. Group Think (Peer Pressure, running with the herd)
3. They just can't handle the implications (they wish it weren't true)
What makes a 9/11 truth seeker?

Revisiting 9/11
Why are people afraid to seek REAL truth?
Why keep your head buried in the sand?
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
People need to realise, they live in a time where their perceptions are being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily to the government and MSM and in turn the so called "truther" movement - As there are bad actors in the alternative media, aka "truther" movements, especially when it comes to the events of September 11, 2001.
There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11:
1. POOR Problem solving skills
2. Group Think (Peer Pressure, running with the herd)
3. They just can't handle the implications (they wish it weren't true)
Exposed in 2011 - Richard Gage

Revisiting 9/11
A lot of narratives around the events of 9/11 needs to be urgently revisited.
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
You live in a time where your perception is being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.
You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
The molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories
People are so easily led by perceived "experts".
Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

Revisiting 9/11
A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11
Please read this article before watching the presentation I did on 10.02.2024. -
Get the popcorn - It was 4 hours long, refuting the following 10 points put forth against DEW being the mechanism of destruction on September 11, 2001.
I dissect all 10 points he raises to try and refute DEW, which you can read about in this book.
Let’s go!
This is the initial background on 9/11 and then perception management. Timestamp 5 min 30
Below is the points raised against DEW, with my reply and reference to Dr Wood’s book and the discussion in the presentation with a timestamp for the full 4 hours broken down…
1.) Debris Pile Height: The claim of a too-low debris pile is debunked by recognizing that 90% of the Twin Towers' mass fell outside their footprints.
Chapter 9 - Pages 171 to 196 (Timestamp 35 min23 to 57:30)
2.) Damage to Core Box Columns: DEW would need precise targeting features, making it implausible for the observed straight and horizontal breaks in core columns.
Chapter 12 - Pages 247 to 256 (Timestamp 57:30 to 1h12:33)
3.) Fall of the "Spire": The assertion that steel "turned to dust" is challenged by the spire falling after being "shaken," likely by explosive charges.
Chapter 8 - Pages 131 to 169 (Timestamp 1h12:33 to 1h31:30)
4.) "Toasted" Tops of Vehicles: Damage to vehicles is explained by partially unignited thermite falling through the air, not by DEW.
Chapter 11 - Pages 213 to 246 (Timestamp 1h31:30 to 1h48:30)
5.) Once-Molten Iron Microspheres: The presence of molten iron spheres is explained by thermitic materials, not addressed by the DEW hypothesis.
Chapter 15 - Page 321 to 339 (Timestamp 1h48:30 to 1h54:32)
6.) Molten Metal: DEW cannot explain observations of molten metal pouring from WTC 2 with temperatures exceeding those from jet fuel or office fires.
Chapter 17 - Pages 349 to 394 (Timestamp 1h54:32 to 2h13:23)
7.) Active, Unignited Nano-Thermite: Discovery of nano-thermite in the dust supports the explosive/incendiary hypothesis, not explained by DEW.
Chapter 7 - Pages 122 to 130 (Timestamp 2h13:23 to 2h21:08)
8.) Persistent Extreme Heat: High temperatures at Ground Zero contradict DEW proponents' denial of such temperatures.
Chapter 13 - Pages 257 to 296 (Timestamp 2h21:08 to 2h47:56)
9.) Craters Observed in WTC 5 and 6: Holes in WTC 5 and 6 are attributed to falling steel, not exotic weaponry as suggested by DEW proponents.
Chapter 10 - Pages 197 to 212 (Timestamp 2h47:56 to 3h08:15)
10.) Eyewitness Accounts of Multiple Explosions and Building 7: Numerous eyewitness accounts align with controlled demolition, not explained by the DEW hypothesis.
Chapter 7 - Pages 95 to 130 - Timestamp 3h08:15 to 3h23:07 (Building 7 mentioned as well)
Then for some closing thoughts, that are thought provoking…
Timestamp 3h23:07 to 3h56:15
9/11 and the flawed peer review process

Revisiting 9/11
Peer Review is academia, not science - We'll die due to stupidity
9/11 - Pools of molten metal and hot rubble disinformation

Revisiting 9/11
You've been lied to your government and the 9/11 "truther" movement.
The controlled demolition of the thermite & nuke theory
Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory
People are so easily led by perceived "experts".
Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3
Official narrative – Jet fuel. Option behind door no 1 – explosives, door no 2 – thermite, door no 3 – buried or mini nukes. Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
Were the twin towers & building 7 a conventional controlled demolition on 9/11?

Revisiting 9/11
Thought experiment.
Conventional controlled demolitions vs what we saw on Sept 11, 2001.
Can you spot the difference?
What do you hear or don't hear when comparing the two towers to conventional controlled demolitions?
Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition.
Truth seekers have been bamboozled by the "trusted experts" for nearly 2 decades.
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
9/11 Truth - Richard Gage vs Andrew Johnson

Revisiting 9/11
REFUTATION OF GAGE'S GAME 15 years ago and again in 2023.
No more nails needed for this coffin!!
Read this June 2023 article by Elsa Schieder, PhD, who hosted Gage on her truth summit.
The 9/11 prediction war

Revisiting 9/11
There has been a massive argument on X with regards to Alex Jones and Bill Cooper predicting 9/11...
An interesting timeline:
- March 4, 2001 - The pilot episode of "The Lone Gunman", aired with a foiled attack on the World Trade Center
- March 6, 2001 - Alex Jones discusses FBI and War games and flying a plane into the World Trade Center
- June 28, 2001 - Bill Cooper discusses Osama Bin Laden will be made out to be the boogieman if a massive attack happens on US soil (November 6. 2001 he is shot dead by cops at his home)
- July 25, 2001 - Alex Jones disses if there is an attack involving planes, it will be an inside job and it will probably be pinned on Osama Bin Laden
Let's just say Bill Cooper wasn't vey fond of Alex Jones and many have called Alex Jones out as a limited hangout with regards to the actual truth of the events of 9/11 in later years...
Here is a montage on the 9/11prediction war and where it is believed Alex Jones to be wrong on 9/11...
9/11: Ground Zero Underworld

Revisiting 9/11
This moving documentary tells the personal stories of those who searched tirelessly for their loved ones, sifting through tonnes of debris from the Twin Towers, to bring them home to rest.
First aired on Channel 4 (UK) on September 11, 2007
9/11 & Blinded by the light

Revisiting 9/11
May 2023 - There was a zoom call hosted by Colorado 9/11 Truth, trying to push a paper called “The Case for Propelled Demolition at the Twin Towers”, using thermite... Not peer reviewed or published ANYWHERE...
I had a question, actually 6, but they only read 3 of them...
Let us breakdown one of my questions in this video...
The question: You also touch on “A partial list of refuted hypotheses” regards WHAT happened.
I am interested in your criticism of DEW… I’ve read Dr Wood’s book and she discussed the lack of seismic readings, and she also refers to the changes of the earth’s magnetic field. Do you have any thoughts on this?
(Notice he did not address these to statements)
Because if you look at the core coulombs where the survivors where, they weren’t bent, bolts weren’t ripped out and on the one tower’s remains, you had some of the wee-checks that came unbolted in the middle of a grid?
How would you explain this?
9/11 The Molten Metal / Thermite Perception Management

Revisiting 9/11
The stories of molten metal and thermite are part of a perception management operation...
9/11 Propelled Demolition - Perception Management

Revisiting 9/11
You live in a time where your perception is being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
9/11 and the Thermite Conspiracy (2010)

Revisiting 9/11
Humankind has made a major scientific discovery by learning to manipulate matter using directed energy in a new and extremely powerful way. This is one of the most important scientific discoveries since the nuclear fission technology that was used to create the atomic bomb.
It is an irrefutable fact that directed energy technology was used to transform the WTC buildings to fine dust in midair on 9/11/2001.
This inescapable conclusion is revealed by the large and conclusive body of verifiable, physical evidence from 9/11, and is overwhelmingly proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?
9/11 Truth: Greatest Hits 2023 (Extended Cut)

Revisiting 9/11
If you’ve watched the first instalment, then fast forward to the extended part at 1h 9 minutes.
What if you looked at the observable evidence of what happened on September 11, 2001 and listened to the numerous survivor testimonies and you have questions that the established 9/11 truther talking heads can’t answer?
Listen to the questions being asked and the answers given in relation to observable evidence shared in this demolition of the counter narrative to the official story of 2 planes and jet fuel causing all the destruction witnessed on September 11, 2001.
Questions were asked from March 2023 to August 2023 – 6 months.
These talking heads have been at it for 16 years, holding seminars, creating documentaries, getting airtime on mainstream and alternative media, but cannot answer these basic questions on observable evidence?
All you need to do is LOOK and shut off the blah, blah, blah that you’ve been taught to regurgitate by these so called 9/11 “truthers”.
What agenda do they really have?
You need to realise the following regarding the cover up of September 11, 2001…
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the Observable EVIDENCE points you to.
People are lazy and if they think they’ve been handed an answer to their questions, they easily outsource their thinking and become parrots, regurgitating what their “trusted experts” taught them to think and say… Can you remember a recent event that used the same tactics? Maybe from 2020 to 2023?
So, in no particular order, and some archival footage thrown in for good measure, the following talking heads are included in this controlled demolition of the official approved counter narrative to the official LIE of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001.
- International Center for 9/11 Justice (formed June 2023)
- Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
- AE911Truth
- 9/11 Colorado for truth
- Steven E. Jones
- Richard Gage
- Ted Walter
- David Chandler
- John Cole
- Wayne Coste
- Gene Laratonda
- Alex Jones
- James Corbett
- Jim Fetzer
I hope you have your critical thinking caps on students.
Do not outsource your thinking and just blindly believe what you’ve been told to see or the statements or questions asked.
Investigate and question everything.
A major shout out to Math Easy Solutions ( and realityAXIS ( for the awesome they are doing.
Find more here:
9/11 Truth: Meet "Captain Thermite" Dr Steven E. Jones

Revisiting 9/11
The controlled demolition of the thermite & nuke theory
Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory
People are so easily led by perceived "experts".
Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3
Official narrative – Jet fuel. Option behind door no 1 – explosives, door no 2 – thermite, door no 3 – buried or mini nukes. Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
Why revisit 9/11?

Revisiting 9/11
Did cv-19 not teach you in the last 3 years that your perception is being managed to take your "freedoms" away?
What happened to the citizens of the world on Sept 11, 2001?
Evidence vs Theory: Perception Management

Revisiting 9/11
9/11 Was an attack on human consciousness, a trauma based mind control event.
Your perception of the events on September 11, 2001 are being managed by a disingenuous 9/11 "truther" movement.
Don't outsource your thinking!
Osama Bin Laden the alleged mastermind of Sept 11, 2001

Revisiting 9/11
On 9/11 people outsourced their thinking.
NIST and the 9/11 investigation

Revisiting 9/11
NIST paid 23 subcontractors to "investigate" the events at the world trade center on September 11, 2001...
What did they actually do?
9/11 - The Nuking of Joe Olsen and James Fetzer

Revisiting 9/11
Be sure to read this article for more context:
9/11 & Thermite - BUSTED

Revisiting 9/11
Dr. Denis Rancourt - I came across this “debate” sponsored by -
Debate: in January 2023 - Dennis says Twin Towers "collapse follows mainstream laws of physics" LOL.... so bad 🤡🤡
Denis does "debunk" thermite, but he's obviously not read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?
9/11 War Room or a children’s safe padded playroom

Revisiting 9/11
Really Gene, how about admitting you got completely flustered knowing you are being confronted by someone who can actually think for himself and is actually searching for REAL truth on 9/11, where the people you have surrounded yourself with seem to be disingenuous peddlers of disinformation?
9/11 - Revisiting the basements of the WTC.

Revisiting 9/11
Most people have been led to believe the lie that the basements were full of rubble.
The mostly EMPTY basements of the Twin Towers.
Most people have been led to believe the lie that the basements were full of rubble.
For a more detailed analysis of what was found in the basements, you need to read the book: Where did the Towers go? (pages 45 to 60)
This video by realityAXIS also goes into great depth of the THE FIRES OF PROPAGANDA THAT "BURNED" UNDERGROUND FOR MONTHS.
Building 7, the Ted Walter cut (International Center for 9/11 justice, suppression)

Revisiting 9/11
The anomaly the 9/11 "truther movement" cannot answer
The 9/11 cult has their eyes set on Russell Brand.

Revisiting 9/11
We need to save Russell Brand from the cult!
The 9/11 cult has their eyes set on Russell Brand.
Read the article:
A 9/11 Rubble Pile Question

Revisiting 9/11
Read the article:
The disingenuous search for 9/11 Justice

Revisiting 9/11
Read the accompanying article:
9/11 The Greatest Hits on the 9/11 truth movement

Revisiting 9/11
What if you looked at the observable evidence of what happened on September 11, 2001 and listened to the numerous survivor testimonies and you have questions that the established 9/11 truther talking heads can’t answer?
Listen to the questions being asked and the answers given in relation to observable evidence shared in this demolition of the counter narrative to the official story of 2 planes and jet fuel causing all the destruction witnessed on September 11, 2001.
Questions were asked from March 2023 to August 2023 – 6 months.
These talking heads have been at it for 16 years, holding seminars, creating documentaries, getting airtime on mainstream and alternative media, but cannot answer these basic questions on observable evidence?
All you need to do is LOOK and shut off the blah, blah, blah that you’ve been taught to regurgitate by these so called 9/11 “truthers”.
What agenda do they really have?
You need to realise the following regarding the cover up of September 11, 2001…
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the Observable EVIDENCE points you to.
People are lazy and if they think they’ve been handed an answer to their questions, they easily outsource their thinking and become parrots, regurgitating what their “trusted experts” taught them to think and say… Can you remember a recent event that used the same tactics? Maybe from 2020 to 2023?
So, in no particular order, and some archival footage thrown in for good measure, the following talking heads are included in this controlled demolition of the official approved counter narrative to the official LIE of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001.
- International Center for 9/11 Justice (formed June 2023)
- Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
- AE911Truth
- 9/11 Colorado for truth
- Steven E. Jones
- Richard Gage
- David Chandler
- John Cole
- Wayne Coste
- Gene Laratonda
- Alex Jones
- James Corbett
I hope you have your critical thinking caps on students.
Do not outsource your thinking and just blindly believe what you’ve been told to see or the statements or questions asked.
Investigate and question everything.
A major shout out to Math Easy Solutions ( and realityAXIS ( for the awesome they are doing.
Find more here:
9/11 TRUTH: What does it take for you to distrust someone?

Revisiting 9/11
9/11 LIAR : Richard Gage - September 5, 2023 vs 2011
What does it take for you to distrust someone?
Thought experiment:
This is Richard Gage, formerly with AE911Truth and also involved with the "International Center for 9/11 Justice" - Having a discussion on Sept 5, 2023;
Richard as well as his lawyer DENIES in this zoom meeting that they know about a Federal Qui-Tam (whistleblower) case, filed (2007) in which the 23 NIST subcontractors were accused of science fraud.
BUT, as you will see in these 3 clips, in June 2023 & in 2011 he was asked about the Federal Qui-Tam (whistleblower) case, filed (2007) and he CONFIRMS knowing about it.
The question asked:
Thank you for being able to ask a COVID & 9/11 related question:
This is for Richard especially, but Mike’s feedback, as a lawyer, would be appreciated…
With regards to court cases against NIST, I have done some reading and I have found that there were several cases filed against NIST and especially the 23 subcontractors who NIST tasked with drawing up reports that made up the 10 000-page NIST report over the last couple of years.
Here we have a 10,000-page NIST investigation that investigated everything that happened after the towers suffered damaging explosions and then ended before the towers underwent their final demise.
Their language was “up to the initiation of collapse.” That is science fraud. Any lawyer worth his salt should know that.
To get to my question:
2 Cases were filed by TWO professors in 2007 against these 23 subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD and ONE of these cases was filed as high up as the US Supreme court in 2009.
So, my question is, why have you been keeping MUM about these cases and the EVIDENCE presented, for the last 14 years and why is Richard Gage, AE911Truth AND the International Center for 911 Justice not talking about these cases, seeing it demolishes your THEORIES on explosives and Thermite?
Lastly. Richard, why are you trying so hard to keep yourself and the rest of your soldiers relevant in the so called “truther” movement, seeing you’ve been showed to be a disinformation agent like Fauci and the NIH?
You seem to be the COVID virus of the 9/11 truth.
The 9/11 "truth" movement is a distraction movement!

Revisiting 9/11
Epic stream with @MathEasySolns discussing the 9/11 "truther" talking heads distractions as well as the questions they fail dismally at answering.
September 5, 2023
They actually BAN you if you're asking the right questions.
Disproving John Cole, PE’s alternative North Tower ‘spire’ theory and the official NIST theory.

Revisiting 9/11
During an instalment of Takeaways of the International Center for 9/11 Justice in August 2023, civil engineer Jonathan Cole presented his paper that was published during July 2023, in the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
Cole tried to show with remarkable simplicity how the very existence of the North Tower “spire” — a remnant of the core structure of the North Tower 1, that remained standing after the rest of the tower came down — completely undermines the official theory of the Twin Towers’ destruction.
You can watch Cole’s presentation (
) to learn why the North Tower “spire” is, according to the “International Center for 911 Justice”, a conversation-ending piece of evidence you’ll want to have in your arsenal if you want to take on someone who believes the official narrative of Twin Towers demise.
Unfortunately for him, he falls short if he thinks he’d be able to take on a seasoned 9/11 investigator, as he will be shown in this edit of his attempt to explain away the observable evidence, as well as survivor testimonies of the North Tower in stairway B, how peer review is academia and not science…
For REAL science, study this:
Wikipedia, ADL & censorship

Revisiting 9/11
The built in AI on X (Twitter) does not allow you to upload the raw file and have it play, so you'll have to share the link to this video for people to be able watch this video.
911 Truth can Alex Jones be trusted

Revisiting 9/11
There is a lot of censorship / disinformation in the trusted talking heads of the 9/11 "truth" movement.
Read my substack:
1. The controlled demolition of the thermite theory:
2. Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory -
3. Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3:
4. Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition:
5. Burying the Truth of 9/11. A critical view of AE911Truth:
9/11 Truth: James Fetzer, why did you do a 180? Who got to you?

Revisiting 9/11
James Fetzer, why did you do a 180? Who got to you?
Why did things change when you got involved with Steven E. Jones that worked for the Dept of Energy, CIA and Los Alamos Labs?
Why did you start your smear campaign after Dr Wood left your "Scholars for 911 Truth" organisation?
When will you be filing your RFC (Request For Correction) to NIST, or sue NIST for science fraud like Dr Wood did in 2007 and make sure your case also goes as high as the US Supreme Court like Dr Wood did in 2009?
After all, you've been bashing her for years after all you were also a cult member promoting her work - So, who made you change your mind?
You seem to be so sure about your mini nuke theory, so why not put your money where your mouth is?
Or are you waiting for Richard Gage, AE911T or any other poo-ba organisation to do it first, seeing none of you 9/11 "truther" talking heads have yet to do so?
Whatever people should not do is read this substack:
Or read this book:
Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points you. Article:
Is the 9/11 "truther" movement part of the bigger cover-up?

Revisiting 9/11
Why is the ONLY independent forensic investigation done on WHAT happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on September 11, 2001 CENSORED for the last 16 years?!
They are SCARED of the evidence this scientist filed in 2007 AGAINST NIST's subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD.
The 9/11 "truth" movement talking heads have been ACTIVELY steering you away from the EVIDENCE this scientists presents.
Full series here:
Demolished - Richard Gage and indirectly AE911T by directed TRUTH July 2023

Revisiting 9/11
This is just the highlights. – A 2h panel discussion covering FEMA on 9/11, issues with journalists, geo-engineering, the energy question and more
Article by the host:
Original source video:
Understanding 9/11 for dummies

Revisiting 9/11
Ever since September 11, 2001 people have been outsourcing their thinking.
Listen to what Professor Morgan Reynolds' 2009 Qui-Tam case was about.
Discussing air pressure, drag, aerodynamics and then let’s also look at the fraudulent NIST aeroplane impact report as well as the planted aeroplane fuselage and debris at the WTC complex…
And by the end of the video, SAIC and their “specialisation in impacts and explosions” and you’ll see they gave NIST fraudulent impact reports pertaining to the “planes” that supposedly hit the towers.
People also seem to struggle wrapping their brains around what the buildings were built with and that there is no way in hell, aluminium can cut through steel, like a hot knife through butter... Just exactly what did those "planes" have to go through?
Anyone that believes jet fuel, explosives, thermite, buried nukes, mini nukes were used, most probably also still believe in fairies, unicorns and santa claus. Open up your mind, LOOK at what is being presented to you in this video and be sure to put on your thinking cap, because a large proportion of people have fallen for the trap of the cover up, believing that the 9/11 "truther" movement are actually looking to expose the truth of WHAT happened to 8 buildings with a WTC prefix on September 11, 2001 - Americans, WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Ask yourself the question, WHAT are all the 9/11 "truther" talking heads really doing, whilst asking for donations and talking absolute bullshit?
Why, after nearly 22 years, do we still have such a strong cover-up with regards to the events of September 11, 2001?
Why does the 9/11 "truther" movement and Wikipedia not want you to know about the 2009 US Supreme Court Qui-Tam cases?
Top 5 Facts About September 11th, 2001 - Look into the work of Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson and STOP outsourcing your thinking to the psy-op, that is the 9/11 "truther" movement.
9/11 - NIST Fraud, Perception Management using Truther Disinformation

Revisiting 9/11
There are many layers to the union that is the 9/11 psyop - Which door did you choose?
Excerpt from the “9/11 Observable Evidence” series, Part 1
Visit the Odysee channel: @911revisited:7
9/11 People have outsourced their thinking

Revisiting 9/11
Excerpt from the “9/11 Observable Evidence” series, Part 1
Watch it here:
9/11 & Trauma based mind control

Revisiting 9/11
Excerpt from the “9/11 Observable Evidence” series, Part 1
Watch it here:
9/11 - Psyops and Perception Management

Revisiting 9/11
30 Minutes explaining the "perception management" of people believing the government narrative, debunkers and truthers on 9/11.
People who just can't get past their cognitive dissonance...
Remember the 9/11 Molten Metal Psy-Op?
11 months ago
When someone mentions molten metal on 9/11, send them this video.
Full 2007 presentation here:
Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?
For more information check out Andrew Johnson’s research go to
Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11;
1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth -
2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth -
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Revisiting 9/11
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Chris Williamson
1 year agoThe Harsh Reality Of Our Collapsing Birthrate - Jordan Peterson
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Alex Zedra
5 hours agoLIVE! Playing Split Ficition!
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6 hours agoGovernment SHUTDOWN IMMINENT, Democrats Vow To BLOCK Trump CR w/The Native Patriot | Timcast IRL
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Digital Social Hour
1 day ago $8.01 earnedAndrew Tate EXPOSES the Truth About Legal Battles, Politics & Masculinity | Andrew Tate DSH #1231
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Laura Loomer
6 hours agoEP108: Dems Embrace Domestic Terrorism To "Get Trump"
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Right Side Broadcasting Network
8 hours agoWATCH: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-10 Launch
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Glenn Greenwald
7 hours agoJudge Orders Hearing on Columbia Student Deportation Case; Is the Ukraine Ceasefire Plan Serious? Trump Attacks Thomas Massie for His Budget Vote | SYSTEM UPDATE #422
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10 hours agoTrump-Elon Bromance Triggers The Libs (Ep.03) - 03/12/2025