PSYOPS and 9/11 Perception management
49 videos
Updated 1 month ago
9/11 was a trauma based mind control exercise.
Remember the 9/11 Molten Metal Psy-Op?
Revisiting 9/11When someone mentions molten metal on 9/11, send them this video. Full 2007 presentation here: https://youtu.be/E2NFKJKFZX8 Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com For more information check out Andrew Johnson’s research go to http://CheckTheEvidence.com Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11; 1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf 2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf329 views -
2024 DEMOLISHING Richard Gage and AE911
Revisiting 9/11You can download the Refutation of Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023: https://truthsummit.info/media-files/DrJudyWood-refutation-RichardGage-claims.pdf Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement? What happens if you ask TRUTH questions? Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking347 views -
David Icke's disinformation on 9/11
Revisiting 9/11From Richard D. Hall: https://www.richplanet.net/ Many people ask me, "What is your opinion of David Icke?". Today's show addresses this question. Putting the reptilian subject aside for one moment, David Icke has worked tirelessly over the last 25 years helping to expose the hidden agendas of those who really hold power in the world. His written work on these subjects extends to 19 books which cover many subjects we have delved into on Richplanet TV. Secret societies, intelligence agencies, mind control, hidden technology, hidden history and the puppet show politics which masks the real agendas. David Icke has also written about 9/11 and incredibly realised the event was a set up on the day it happened - and then wrote a book about it. Probably one of the first books to question the official 9/11 narrative.422 views -
9/11 Liars for Truth
Revisiting 9/113 hours – A cut down version of “Observable Evidence.” Focuses on the Truth Movement. Download full series here: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AIp6HUM6YH5rqM0&id=88862EF47BCAF6CD%21150377&cid=88862EF47BCAF6CD480 views 5 comments -
The PentaCon - A 9/11 "truther" Red Pill
Revisiting 9/11Boston 9/11 Truth - November 11, 2023 Adam Eisenberg served as an infantryman with Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard) between September 11th - 30th, 2001, assisting in the security and cleanup efforts at the Pentagon. Adam's professional working experience with aeronautical parts led him to discover some shocking anomalies between his first-responder experience and the official governmental narrative, both before and after the attack. This inspired deeper research and investigation into what he's now formally calling, The Orion Project. Source: https://youtu.be/DF8CXWb1y2c232 views -
November 12, 2001 - The crash of AA flight 587 in NYC
Revisiting 9/119/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled. Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001 Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-the-plane-no-plane-argument ✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️ Movie: https://rumble.com/v3k3t3e-911-a-plane-story.html You live in a time where your perception is being managed. Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily. 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.532 views -
Pseudo-Events and the reality of 9/11
Revisiting 9/11When looking into 9/11, these quotes and talking points tend to be very relevant. Only a few are up to the point of their 9/11 truth seeking journey to be able to understand these quotes in context to the events of September 11, 2001. Why are people afraid to seek REAL truth? Why keep your head buried in the sand? 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness. People need to realise, they live in a time where their perceptions are being managed. Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily to the government and MSM and in turn the so called "truther" movement - As there are bad actors in the alternative media, aka "truther" movements, especially when it comes to the events of September 11, 2001. There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11: 1. POOR Problem solving skills 2. Group Think (Peer Pressure, running with the herd) 3. They just can't handle the implications (they wish it weren't true)336 views 2 comments -
What makes a 9/11 truth seeker?
Revisiting 9/11Why are people afraid to seek REAL truth? Why keep your head buried in the sand? 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness. People need to realise, they live in a time where their perceptions are being managed. Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily to the government and MSM and in turn the so called "truther" movement - As there are bad actors in the alternative media, aka "truther" movements, especially when it comes to the events of September 11, 2001. There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11: 1. POOR Problem solving skills 2. Group Think (Peer Pressure, running with the herd) 3. They just can't handle the implications (they wish it weren't true)210 views 2 comments -
Exposed in 2011 - Richard Gage
Revisiting 9/11A lot of narratives around the events of 9/11 needs to be urgently revisited. 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness. You live in a time where your perception is being managed. Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily. You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023: https://truthsummit.info/media-files/DrJudyWood-refutation-RichardGage-claims.pdf 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline The molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories People are so easily led by perceived "experts". Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite249 views -
Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives
Revisiting 9/11A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11 Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives Please read this article before watching the presentation I did on 10.02.2024. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/cowards-for-911-truth Get the popcorn - It was 4 hours long, refuting the following 10 points put forth against DEW being the mechanism of destruction on September 11, 2001. I dissect all 10 points he raises to try and refute DEW, which you can read about in this book. https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/ Let’s go! This is the initial background on 9/11 and then perception management. Timestamp 5 min 30 Below is the points raised against DEW, with my reply and reference to Dr Wood’s book and the discussion in the presentation with a timestamp for the full 4 hours broken down… 1.) Debris Pile Height: The claim of a too-low debris pile is debunked by recognizing that 90% of the Twin Towers' mass fell outside their footprints. Chapter 9 - Pages 171 to 196 (Timestamp 35 min23 to 57:30) 2.) Damage to Core Box Columns: DEW would need precise targeting features, making it implausible for the observed straight and horizontal breaks in core columns. Chapter 12 - Pages 247 to 256 (Timestamp 57:30 to 1h12:33) 3.) Fall of the "Spire": The assertion that steel "turned to dust" is challenged by the spire falling after being "shaken," likely by explosive charges. Chapter 8 - Pages 131 to 169 (Timestamp 1h12:33 to 1h31:30) 4.) "Toasted" Tops of Vehicles: Damage to vehicles is explained by partially unignited thermite falling through the air, not by DEW. Chapter 11 - Pages 213 to 246 (Timestamp 1h31:30 to 1h48:30) 5.) Once-Molten Iron Microspheres: The presence of molten iron spheres is explained by thermitic materials, not addressed by the DEW hypothesis. Chapter 15 - Page 321 to 339 (Timestamp 1h48:30 to 1h54:32) 6.) Molten Metal: DEW cannot explain observations of molten metal pouring from WTC 2 with temperatures exceeding those from jet fuel or office fires. Chapter 17 - Pages 349 to 394 (Timestamp 1h54:32 to 2h13:23) 7.) Active, Unignited Nano-Thermite: Discovery of nano-thermite in the dust supports the explosive/incendiary hypothesis, not explained by DEW. Chapter 7 - Pages 122 to 130 (Timestamp 2h13:23 to 2h21:08) 8.) Persistent Extreme Heat: High temperatures at Ground Zero contradict DEW proponents' denial of such temperatures. Chapter 13 - Pages 257 to 296 (Timestamp 2h21:08 to 2h47:56) 9.) Craters Observed in WTC 5 and 6: Holes in WTC 5 and 6 are attributed to falling steel, not exotic weaponry as suggested by DEW proponents. Chapter 10 - Pages 197 to 212 (Timestamp 2h47:56 to 3h08:15) 10.) Eyewitness Accounts of Multiple Explosions and Building 7: Numerous eyewitness accounts align with controlled demolition, not explained by the DEW hypothesis. Chapter 7 - Pages 95 to 130 - Timestamp 3h08:15 to 3h23:07 (Building 7 mentioned as well) Then for some closing thoughts, that are thought provoking… Timestamp 3h23:07 to 3h56:15719 views 4 comments