CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts ‘Can Put Anyone in Jail … Set ’Em Up!,’ Admits FBI Agents Attended January 6 Protest

6 months ago


O’BLENNIS: “You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.”
O’BLENNIS: “You set ‘em up.”
JOURNALIST: “Does the bureau practice entrapment a lot?”
O’BLENNIS: “We get really close. (...) We call it a ‘nudge.’“
JOURNALIST: “A nudge.”
O’BLENNIS: “A nudge.”
O’BLENNIS: “Sometimes you just got to give ‘em a quick little [cluck] just to see what happens. (...) Sometimes you light the fuse and just wait for it to follow. Nothing like putting out fake social media thing to like really get people mad.”
JOURNALIST: “Alex Jones.”
O’BLENNIS: “Yeah. So, we were after him. Hardcore.”
JOURNALIST: “You are?”
O’BLENNIS: “We did what we wanted.”
JOURNALIST: “Which was what?”
O’BLENNIS: “Took his money away. (...) Chop his legs off.”
Reporter: “Gavin O’Blennis is a contracting officer at the CIA. O’Blennis worked for the FBI in 2021 and 2022 in San Diego office, moved on to Homeland Security where he conducted asylum interviews at the southern border and now works for the CIA managing multimillion dollar contracts across government agencies and private sector vendors.”
O’BLENNIS: “I work for, um, how do I put this without, I’m not supposed to tell people, kind of job. (...) If I say intelligence, what do you think?”
JOURNALIST: “You work for the CIA?”
O’BLENNIS: “I do.”
JOURNALIST: “That’s incredible.”
O’BLENNIS: “I’m a contracting officer.”
JOURNALIST: “That’s amazing.”
O’BLENNIS: “So I deal a lot with like, different agencies. We’re contracting with, like, director of National Intelligence to do stuff. We do, navy, army, any of them really. I just, FBI. I used to work for the FBI, so they threw the FBI at me. They’re like, ‘Here, you used to work there.’ (...) Oh, I’m permanent. I’m staff, yeah.”
JOURNALIST: “Good. Well, why do they call it contracting [officer]?”
O’BLENNIS: “Because I do the contracts for them. I do all the legal contracts. I fly out to vendors and evaluate them. (...) I love the agency.”
JOURNALIST: “Good for you.”
O’BLENNIS: “I like the bureau to the bureau, too. The bureau was a lot of fun. I got to do a lot of cool stuff at the Bureau. (...) I was the guy in the back of the truck, in the van.”
Reporter: “O’Blennis spoke to an undercover Sound Investigations Reporter about his work experience involving near entrapment and his employers’ involvement with political commentator Alex Jones’ legal battles.”
JOURNALIST: “As long as the bureau is able to progress far enough to be able to put pro-lifers in jail whenever they want.”
JOURNALIST: “You think that’s on the agenda?”
O’BLENNIS: “We can — we can — you can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.”
O’BLENNIS: “You set ‘em up.”
O’BLENNIS: “You create a situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse. And once they act on that impulse some would call that entrapment. It’s a fine line.”
JOURNALIST: “Does the bureau practice entrapment a lot?”
O’BLENNIS: “We get really close.”
JOURNALIST: “Not officially.”
O’BLENNIS: “No. We get as close as we can. (...) We get as close as we can to it without doing it.”
JOURNALIST: “So they can entrap some of these pro-lifers into doing things that they don’t —”
O’BLENNIS: “Depending. Yeah. We call it a ‘nudge.’“
JOURNALIST: “A nudge.”
O’BLENNIS: “A nudge.”
O’BLENNIS: “Sometimes you just got to give ‘em a quick little [cluck] just to see what happens, right.”
JOURNALIST: “And how does that happen?”
O’BLENNIS: “You put a post out there. Or you have some fake profile say something that triggers, that we know is going to trigger them. Right? Like we — we already know your history. If we’re to that point, we already know everything about you. So we’re like, ‘Oh, this will piss him off.’“
O’BLENNIS: “Sometimes you light the fuse and just wait for it to follow. Right?”
JOURNALIST: “Like a rally?”
O’BLENNIS: “Mm-hmm.”
JOURNALIST: “Like a, oh. So when a rally happens, that’s sometimes the bureau behind it?”
O’BLENNIS: “Yeah, sometimes. Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to like really good people mad. ‘Oh, it’s fake news.’ Sometimes it’s — it’s not fake. It’s embellished a little bit.”

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