#疫苗灾难:20240407 大卫·布尔 和蕾 妮·霍德坎普 博士 对话 圣乔治大学肿瘤学教授安格斯·达尔格利什:辉瑞公司撒谎导致数百万人死亡或致残,mRNA疫苗是癌症主要驱动因素。

11 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20240407 大卫·布尔 和蕾 妮·霍德坎普 博士 对话 圣乔治大学肿瘤学教授安格斯·达尔格利什:辉瑞公司撒谎导致数百万人死亡或致残,mRNA疫苗是癌症主要驱动因素。新冠疫苗导致免疫抑制、T细胞反应抑制。疫苗后,黑色素瘤患者复发,身边就有8名健康人士患淋巴瘤或白血病。

“Pfizer LIED About Covid-19 Jabs” | Watchdog Accuses Pfizer Of Promoting 'Unlicensed Vaccine'
Prominent oncologist Angus Dalgleish believes Pfizer lied, causing millions of deaths or disabilities, and that they must take full responsibility given that mRNA vaccines may now be a major driver of cancer. My patients, who have melanoma and have been stabled, clearly relapsed following the covid-19 vaccine booster. Eight healthy people around me had lymphoma or leukemia after the booster. The booster can cause unnecessary immune suppression, suppression of the T-cell response. I'm furious by what the MHRA, NHS, Chris Witty and all this stuff have done.

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