#疫苗灾难, #疫苗追责:20250309 英国Oracle 纪录片《反思日:新冠丑闻》:铭记政府试图让人们遗忘的事实。政府坚称 #Covishield 从未在英国获批、使用

11 days ago

#疫苗灾难, #疫苗追责:20250309 英国Oracle 纪录片《反思日:新冠丑闻》:铭记政府试图让人们遗忘的事实。政府坚称 #Covishield 从未在英国获批、使用,但确实向公众发放 数百万剂未经授权的疫苗——印度生产 Covishield,其中1420Z001、1420Z002、1420Z003 三个批次与 #阿斯利康 疫苗报告的第一、第二、第五大不良事件及死亡案例相关,后果惨痛。

Day of Reflection: The Covishield Scandal (2025) | Oracle Films
On this ‘Day of Covid Reflection’, let us remember what the UK Government would rather we forgot.
While the Covid Inquiry has utterly failed to investigate the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 injections, evidence has emerged that the Government issued millions of doses of an unlicensed vaccine, Covishield, made in India and close to expiry dates.
The three batches, 1420Z001, 002 and 003 were tragically associated with the first, second and fifth highest AstraZeneca adverse event reports and deaths.
The Government remains adamant that no Covishield jabs were used here - but they would have to hold that line, because Covishield was not approved in the UK, and never has been.

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