White House Responds to Pope Francis' Condemnation of Gender Ideology.

9 months ago

The White House on Monday responded to Pope Francis’ recent condemnation of progressive gender ideology, affirming that the Biden administration will continue its support for transgender Americans. The move comes just after the Vatican released a 20-page document in which the Catholic Church argued that transgenderism conflicts with divine creation.

This clash of views highlights the complex interaction of politics, religion, and individual rights. It also puts a spotlight on the White House’s ongoing efforts to push progressive gender ideology on the rest of the public.

Following the Pope’s denouncement of gender ideology, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressed questions about the matter during a press conference.

“We are pleased to see that the document… furthered the Vatican’s call to ensure that LGBTQ+ are protected from violence and imprisonment around the world. However, the president will continue to be an advocate for the rights, safety, and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender people here in the U.S.”

A reporter followed, asking about the comments regarding gender theory and transgender individuals. Jean-Pierre responded, noting that it is not President Joe Biden’s role to “litigate internal church policy” and affirmed that “he’s always been very clear on the importance of protecting or having protections for the transgender community and the broader LGBTQ+ community.”

The Vatican’s document, titled “Dignitas Infinita,” was compiled over five years and delves into modern gender issues through a religious lens. The document argues that “human life in all its dimensions, both physical and spiritual, is a gift from God” and that “Desiring a personal self-determination, as gender theory prescribes, apart from this fundamental truth that human life is a gift, amounts to a concession to the age-old temptation to make oneself God, entering into competition with the true God of love revealed to us in the Gospel.”


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