Trump Comes To The Defense Of January 6th Praying Grandma Following Her Conviction

5 months ago

On April 4th, one of the most ridiculous miscarriages of justice we have seen took place when 71-year-old Rebecca Lavrez aka 'Praying Grandma' was convicted on four misdemeanor counts after she entered the Capitol building for 10 minutes to pray for former President Trump and the other attendees at the capitol on January 6th. -- 'Praying grandma' Rebecca Lavrenz has reportedly been found guilty by a DC jury after she briefly entered the Capitol on J6. Glad to see our 'justice system' going after some "hard-hitting criminals." Lavrenz spent 10 minutes inside the Capitol and was seen praying outside of the building for an hour. Lavrenz is on film peacefully walking around the Capitol building and was spotted speaking with a police officer. She is allegedly facing a $210,000 fine and faces one year in jail. The video below was taken in March of Lavrenz driving by the Capitol. Here is her account:

There are so many things that can be said about January 6th. You can say people were naive and did not understand how much the Left hates them if they thought for one minute they could even jaywalk while supporting Trump and get away with it. You can say it was all an orchestrated set-up or that Trump should have handled it better and done something to protect the eventual defendants before he left office. You can say all kinds of things and I get it, BUT convicting a grandmother for praying seems like a dystopian fiction prequel plot. There is footage showing Lavrenz entering the building peacefully, even talking to an officer. She then prays and leaves. She did not sit at any desks, or break any windows. She prayed and then left peacefully and is now facing up to a year in jail plus fines. Her sentencing should take place sometime near the middle of April.

Trump Accuses Biden of Unfairly Targeting 71-Year-Old Jan. 6 ‘Hostage’ Who Entered Capitol for 10 Minutes—‘Rebecca Lavrez, also known as the ’J6 Praying Grandma,‘ has been unfairly targeted by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ’ -- We already established there are many ways to paint Trump and his alleged involvement on January 6th. No matter what you think of his actions on that day or the days leading up to it, he is getting his messaging about the charges and convictions right. He has been speaking out regularly about the hardships people have been facing. Many are being sentenced to insane jail time and fines. Some sit in holding for long periods without bail before getting to trial, as well as the fact most of the charges should never have happened in the first place.

He has come to the defense of Lavrez following her conviction and is even trying to help raise funds to help pay her legal fees and possible fines. He posted his disgust regarding the verdict on the social media platform Truth Social. He is right. Joe Biden has taken January 6th hostages and the Left pretends like there is nothing wrong with any of it. Trump has repeatedly said he will free all J6 hostages if he wins reelection. (AS HE SHOULD!) There is an argument to be made to say he could have done it BEFORE he left office, but that is for another VIP down the road and probably for someone with a sharper legal mind than my own. *paging Aaron Walker* -- No matter what you think about January 6th, you can NOT watch all of the footage and listen to all of the speeches and say what is happening to those people is right or warranted. Particularly in the case of Lavrez. Biden and the jury that convicted this woman are just wrong. They are trampling over her freedoms at every corner.

Trump has a winning strategy against Biden in defense of J6 hostages alone. Biden is targeting political enemies and jailing them, and honestly, they are not even his enemies, they are just people who did not vote for him and showed up to the capitol to yell about what they saw as irregular voting. Praying Grandma is not his enemy and Trump should bring the weaponization of the Department of Justice up every single time he speaks or posts about any subject. Banana Republic justice, along with the border, violent crime, and the economy seems like it would be enough to easily defeat Joe Biden. However, we live in the dumbest timeline where the Left tells us men can have babies and President Pudding Pop has been allowed to pretend to be in charge in the first place so we will not count our chickens before they hatch. BRAVO to Trump for speaking out and trying to help Praying Grandma. Now it is our turn to pray for her.

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