Bill Maher To The Left: 'Fūck Off, You Fūcks'

18 days ago

Posted • December 24, 2024: Look, I know a lot of conservatives don’t like Bill Maher, but what he’s been saying about the Left is spot-on and damning. Sure, he calls conservatives mentally challenged, but he’s been saying that for years. Who cares? What has changed is his side of the aisle and the anti-free speech antics, coupled with an unhinged and exclusionary agenda that makes voters want to punch Democrats in the face. Maher has been surprisingly less keen to attack figures like Ron DeSantis on the issues of COVID, whom he credited for having a better plan than Andrew Cuomo, and child abuse in the entertainment industry, admitting that DeSantis’ attacks on Disney employing sexual predators was correct and that Hollywood liberals should check themselves regarding their reactions to the latest documentary about how Nickelodeon was a hub of child sex abuse. These same people thought DeSantis’ attacks on Disney were unfounded.

During his podcast with guest Jay Leno, Maher reiterated his main gripe against the Left: the total cutting off of friends and family members over a single disagreement or political preference in an election. The HBO host used Sammy Davis, Jr. hugging Richard Nixon as an example. “Cut your family off for Thanksgiving if they voted for the wrong guy. F**k off, you f**ks,” said Maher. Bill Maher tells Jay Leno that his least favorite part of the left is how they will cut you off from their lives if you are friends with someone from the right: Jay Leno: "Remember him [Sammy Davis Jr] hugging Nixon? At the time he was seen as a traitor." - Bill Maher: "A guy who crossed lines politically. Ooo, the worst thing you could ever do, be friends with a Republican. Call 911. Yeah, this is what I fucking hate about the left. Cut your family off for Thanksgiving if they voted for the wrong guy. Fuck off, you fucks." -- Thanks for reminding us that the left has always had a stick up their ass.

Maher is never going to support Trump or the Republicans, but take him out of the conversation; the principle remains the same: it’s lunacy to wall yourself off because some people, including family, aren’t crackpot leftists. It’s contributed to Democrats being losers in election cycles. You have to be challenged, offended, and maybe even humiliated to learn, retool, and perhaps even drop certain agenda items that are simply unpalatable. Biological males using women’s bathrooms and playing in their sports is probably not a good idea. Forcing prepubescent children to undergo genital mutilation surgery is perhaps not a good idea either. Coddling violent criminals who set people on fire in the New York City Subway, letting criminal illegal aliens stroll into the country, and permitting radical Islamic terrorists to take over college campuses are also bad ideas.

Townhall: Bill Maher to the Left: 'F**k Off, You F**ks'

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