496 - "360° HEALTH" : Reclaiming Health and Wellness.

10 months ago

🌟 Let’s bust some myths about health and wellness! Living well isn’t just about hitting the gym – it’s about nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Embrace the six pillars of lifestyle medicine and watch how small changes in your daily habits can transform your health journey. 💪🏼

🔴 Wednesday | March 27th | "360° HEALTH : Reclaiming Health and Wellness.
Dr. James Cooley and Guest Co-Host Dr. Michael Mantell have a sit-down conversation with Dr. Jessica Matthews -- Health and Wellness Coach, Award-winning educator, associate professor and director in the College of Health Sciences at Point Loma Nazarene University.


Points covered 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
* Address common misconceptions about health and wellness.
* Discuss what it means to truly “live well” from a whole-person perspective.
* Explain the six pillars of lifestyle medicine and the importance of health behavior change in transforming health and health care.
* Outline science-based practical strategies to support health, healing and well-being.

For nearly 50 years Dr. Mantell has been helping people of all ages and backgrounds disturb themselves less and create lasting positive change with his compassion-based rational emotive behavior coaching methods.

Website: www.drmichaelmantell.com

Dr. Jessica Matthews is an award-winning educator, associate professor and director in the College of Health Sciences at Point Loma Nazarene University where she created the Master of Science Integrative Wellness program. She also serves as director of health and wellness coaching at UC San Diego Health in the Centers for Integrative Health where she spearheaded the integration of health and wellness coaching services within clinical practice and research, to include cultivating a team of national board-certified health and wellness coaches (NBC-HWCs).

For the last 15 years Dr. Matthews has regularly contributed as a wellness expert to numerous national media outlets in addition to authoring and editing a number of books, chapters and articles. A seasoned global speaker, consultant and advisor for leading fitness and wellness organizations as well as large global corporations.

Website- www.drjessmatthews.com
TED talk - https://www.ted.com/talks/jessica_matthews_reclaiming_wellness

Brought to you by the J.C. Cooley Foundation, "Equipping the Youth of Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow."

"It's Your Life with Dr.James JC Cooley" streaming Monday thru Friday 12 PM PST | 3 PM EST on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Rumble, Twitter and YouTube @itsyourliferadio


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▶Foundation Website & Donations: www.cooleyfoundation.org
▶Cooley Books: https://www.jamescooleytheauthor.com/
▶Want to be included in the Show? Email jamescooley145@gmail.com
▶Speaking engagements: Email jamescooley145@gmail.com


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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