Danielle Moodie: ‘This Is Not the Time or Place for a Protest Vote ... Your Protest Vote Is a Vote for Donald Trump’

10 months ago

PHANG: “Every once in a while, there is a blip on my radar screen by this man named RFK Jr. And I don’t give him a lot of attention because I don’t think he merits it. But, I will say, a recent Quinnipiac poll – and again, I don’t put a lot of weight into polls, but I want to pull up this number – it says Kennedy’s support is about 13%. Putting aside any type of questions about the poll itself, is there anything about RFK Jr. That anybody should be worried about, in terms of the Biden campaign?”

MOODIE: “His own family is not backing him. Right? You can’t get your own family to support your run for the presidency, and so, they have come out for Biden and strongly. Do I think we should ignore RFK Jr.? No, I don’t. Because I think right now, what people have to understand is that this is not the time or place for a protest vote. You can do that in the primaries and I appreciate the people that are doing that, but when we get to the general election, come November, your protest vote is a vote for Donald Trump. So, looking at these candidates, whether it be RFK Jr., whether it be Cornell—“

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