MZTV 1446: And Then RIIIIIIIP! Went The Temple Veil

11 months ago

The point where God temporarily rejected Israel was certainly not Acts 28:28. That has got to be the deafest, dumbest, and blindest line that has ever been concocted. The true line is so obvious it's nothing less than a miracle that ANYONE could walk past it.

A continuation here of the rebuttal of a book written by Clyde Pilkington claiming that every member of the body of Christ must die. I won't be on this topic forever but I won't be satisfied until this theory dies and stays dead.

Free at no extra charge to you: A history of Charles Welch and the development of the Acts 28:28 theory. Which came first, a fear of the snatching away or the Acts 28:28 theory? I certainly have MY theory.

ZWTF SPECIAL EDITION: A defense of the Expectation of the Body of Christ, Part 2: NEW TRUTH:


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