Pollster Says RFK Jr. Going All-In as Anti-War Is Going to Hurt Joe Biden

6 months ago

Laying thinking about what this represents. Either it‘s a good thing or it‘s a scarlet letter to have them there what are the poll suggests in terms of how voters might view the presence of people like Clinton and Obama.
>> Interesting because on the one hand, it does show party unity. They‘re all standing behind each other on the other hand, I don‘t don‘t think it‘s going to help Joe Biden have these visuals because the star of the show wasn‘t gonna be Joe Biden. You know what everybody‘s gonna be looking at. They look at Bill Clinton, they look at Barack Obama and Joe Biden doesn‘t have the same kind of thing. So I think in some ways that is going to hurt him now, the other thing I do want to say about I don‘t agree with you that that it‘s part of unity to have the protesters outside. And this is a big issue. I think it‘s why when you start looking at polling, when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Comes into the mix, it actually heart hurts Joe Biden, that‘s because he is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has now gone all in his anti-war. He‘s picked an anti-war candidate to run with, and that‘s now going to be his big platform. I think that‘s gonna be enough to really spoil the election should Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get your point about the unity is that there is a political safe space where the person in charge could be persuaded as well.

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