MZTV 1439: God Prefers Us From the Beginning to Love Truth

10 months ago

Why are billions of people perishing for the eon? Because they have not received a love of the truth. Only God can impart a love of the truth, but nevertheless this is what distinguishes those who have eonian life from those who don’t: the love of the truth.

The main point of this episode of MZTV is to show you that God will cause both vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor to come to a PERSONAL realization of their spiritual disposition, that is, whether they have hated the truth or loved it. This is essential, for people must be convinced in their own hearts via incontrovertible evidence why they are either enjoyers of or missers of eonian life.

God does this by setting traps. By means of these traps, He snares the truth-haters, tricking them into exposing THEMSELVES, while at the same time using these truth-haters as foils for the truth LOVERS, who realize who come to realize their disposition via comparison (the “contrast principle”) with their truth-hating counterparts.

I know this sounds a tad complicated but this is because, um, God is a tad complicated.
MZTV 1093: Watch God Set the Eternal Torment Trap:

MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Café Series: A Detailed Study of "The Ages" in Scripture (June 10, Hr 2):


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