No Age Ontology - One’s individual Ground of Pure Being includes all infinite Grounds of Being

10 months ago

“If there is an ‘owner’, then there is something that can be ‘owned’. But if from the beginning there has never been an ‘I’ then what ‘owner’ can there be? If the mind has something objective, that could be ‘its own’, then it would be a really objective thing. But since the mind is not an objective thing, who can claim ‘ownership’ of it?

Each individual experience and perception of the Universe always unfolds within an ‘individualized’ but without any intrinsic identity Mind of Pure Being, which is not an event categorized within the dualistic concepts of one and many. Moreover, each individual state of Awareness of the Mind of Pure Being integrates and includes all infinite states of Awareness of the Mind of Pure Being and all infinite phenomena, both animate and inanimate. This is not to advocate solipsism in which one’s mind, thoughts and emotions are the only real entities which can exist or be known, negating any possibility of communications. In a nutshell each individual perception includes all other infinite individual perceptions, just like space includes all space and yet it can be individually known.

#illusion #liberation ⁠#time ⁠ ⁠#mind #self

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

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