Defeat the Thai Kick (This Works) | Counter Moves | Self Defense Technique | FightFast

10 months ago

If you are in a street fight or other self-defense situation and your attacker is throwing kicks, it's usually a bad sign. The vast majority of fights never include a kick until someone is on the ground. Kicking is not a default or instinctive reaction during stand up fight. So if an attacker is kicking it means he has training.

Unfortunately for you, you don't get to choose your attacker. So you need to know how to deal with a trained fighter in a street fight as part of your self-defense training. The good news is, blocking or avoiding many different kicks is quite simple.

In this clip, Thai Kick Boxing instructor Mike Goldbach shows you a very easy and effective way to take the power out of the dreaded Thai kick. A skilled Thai Kickboxer can break the femur of an unwitting opponent. After watching and training the technique in this video that won't be you. You must take the power out of the kick by leaning the attacker out and stopping his rotation. This has the added benefit of stopping a follow up kick.

Do yourself a favor, study this lesson and give it some practice with a training partner. You don't want to be up against a trained fighter in a street fight, but armed with some simple skills you can still defend yourself and take away their advantage. A trained fighter who preys on innocent people will not be expecting you to counter his attacks. And you need to know these techniques to round out your self defense training.

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