EP077 Covenantal Committmen vs Contractual Agreement

6 months ago

Today the Catholic Docs continue the series on Marriage in Episode 2 of the 9 part series. We take a look at contractual unions versus covenantal unions and how they are very different. We also discuss why the Catholic Church has such a strong teaching on Marriage. Marriage is modeled after the blessed Trinity and the Love of Our Blessed Lord (the Bridegroom) for His Bride (the Church), which is ever giving and renewing through dying to self for love of God. The covenant between Man and Woman is the closest we will ever get to knowing the love of God as the two unite in Marriage for life and bring forth life in a new being created in their likeness. Unlike the mentality in today's culture which knows not the enormous fruit of a healthy, happy, strong and holy marriage, too many forgo "until death do us part" for the short term whimsical and frivolous emotional rise without any real dividends in the end... this mentality leads to a fruitless and sad life. The contract of civil marriage is nothing more than an agreement to meet certain terms and when they are no longer met by one or the other, either one can break the contract leaving a family devastated and scarred for generations. Christians have also jumped on this bandwagon not heeding the voice of Jesus nor the truth of wisdom and they too jump ship when the going gets rough. The covenantal bond of marriage, sealed by the Holy Spirit, conferred by one man and one woman to each other and witnessed by the church is an indissoluble bond and should not be entered into without excellent preparation - for "What God has joined let no man put asunder."

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The Catholic Docs is a ministry of Sanctus Salutem, Inc.

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