Choosing to See The World Through Forgiving Eyes

10 months ago

April 3 - Choosing to See The World Through Forgiving Eyes
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We are all One. The more we practice making the conscious choice to see this world through forgiving eyes, the more its eternal innocence will begin to radiate from everyone and all. Forgiveness is one of the many expressions of love. And it is only the Love that created us that is truly real. Anything that is in opposition to love, and thus to forgiveness, is not real and thus not a real aspect of ourselves. It is thus only when we are seeing this world through forgiving eyes that we are being an expression of our truest selves. Being that we are all One, it is when we make the conscious decision to see all others through forgiving eyes, that we will begin to recognize that we too are worthy of being seen as forgiven by God.

Today we will make a very conscious and concerted effort to overlook every word someone says or action that they take, where the ego would demand that we react with judgment instead of forgiving eyes. Overlooking another’s illusions, what a small price to pay to have true peace and joy. Simply let go of every illusion that you have been programmed with that says that God’s creations are somehow flawed. God being perfect can only create perfectly. It is only when we forget this that a lack of peace and joy result. Today we recognize that seeing this world through forgiving eyes becomes the doorway to true everlasting peace and joy. The door to peace and joy is always there and forever available to us, it is us who must, in every moment, decide if we will go through it or not.
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