Remember When Pfizer Paxlovid Pill Was Hyped While Ivermectin Slammed?

11 months ago

In late 2021, Pfizer and its paid lackeys in the media and government were in panic mode. Vaccine skepticism had already set in and Ivermectin was proving to be a safe, effective, and inexpensive treatment. In addition, almost NOBODY believed the propaganda the Pfizer-paid media (especially by Joe Rogan hating CNN) hurled against Ivermectin. So what happened? Pfizer came up with its own answer to Ivermectin, Paxlovid, which not only had multiple side-effects but at over $1300 for a five day course was much more expensive than a very safe Ivermectin which cost only about $30 for 20 3 mg tablets.

Thankfully the FDA has now been forced to ditch its previous warnings against Ivermectin. However, as a result of MISINFORMATION promulgated by the Pfizer lackeys in the media and the government (including FDA) many people unnecessarily died. The one upside is that people are now so skeptical of corporate and media propaganda now that the friend of a notorious sex-trafficker, Bill Gates, was forced to ditch his COVID vaccine racket because few are buying what he and others are selling.

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