A Spanish family taught me this trick. I don't cook chicken any other way!

11 months ago

This is the tastiest chicken breast I have ever eaten.😋

â–¶ Cooking recipe and ingredients:
2-3 chicken fillets
Salt, pepper, paprika, dry garlic, dried parsley
20-30 g butter, melt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Let marinate for about 1 hour
4-5 potatoes
Grease the form with vegetable oil
Sprinkle with vegetable oil
Salt, pepper, spices for potatoes
1 medium onion
salt, a little vegetable oil
Bake for approx. 20-30 minutes at 180°C
Soak the wooden skewers in water for about 20 minutes beforehand.
Bake at 200°C for 15-20 minutes
Bake for another 10 minutes
~ 20 g butter, melt
some parsley
1-2 cloves of garlic
Mmm...how delicious and beautiful!
Enjoy your meal and thank you for your comments!

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