No Age Ontology - Awakened Deities, gods and Timeless Pure Being

10 months ago

A very important distinction should be made between the categories of Awakened Deities, gods and the Timeless Mind of Pure Being. Awakened Deities which can appear within time and space in the perception of sentient beings predisposed to such a visionary communication, are simply the spontaneous manifestation in perceivable form of the Timeless Ground of Pure Being. Such Deities, like holograms, do not have any self-grasping to an independent identity. Their ‘actionless actions’ are manifested only for the benefit of sentient beings trapped within conditioned existence. The various gods or demi-gods that can found within popular cultures and various religions, on the other hand, are not yet Awakened to Timelessness and are still bound by various degrees of grasping at an independent identity. Moreover, these gods, due to self-grasping are still under the cage of birth, and consequently death, even though their lifespan is almost without measure in human years. Some of these gods can too appear in the perception of sentient beings but their underlining intention in doing so can be positive or negative, based on love but also based on any other disturbing emotion.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

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