Reversing Roe v. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God - Part 1 with Guest Allan Parker, Jr.

10 months ago

Caring for an aging loved one is a stressful and draining task. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the late Grace Chavis shares about her experience supporting her ailing parents and in-laws for a number of years. She also gives advice for those who are in that season on how to handle their family members with grace and love. Proverbs 16:31 says, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.”

About Today's Guest: Allan Parker, Jr.
Allan Parker, Jr., is the president of The Justice Foundation, a non-profit public interest litigation firm. He previously served as a professor of law at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, where he taught education law and civil procedure. Allan was lead counsel for Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton, in their efforts to overturn the two landmark cases that legalized abortion in America. Mr. Parker received his J.D. degree with high honors from the University of Texas School of Law in 1979.

Resources Mentioned:
"Reversing Roe v. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God" book by Allan Parker, Jr.
Center Against Forced Abortions - (Petition against abortion) (Healing from abortion)
What is a Woman According to God? -

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