20240317 Day 707 Part-3 - Long Term Diet Strategies: The “Call for Fire Method.”

11 months ago

20240317 Day 707 Part-3
Long Term Diet Strategies: The “Call for Fire Method.”
The biggest obstacle many people have with sustainably keeping weight off is, “Ok. I lost X pounds, what now?” Many of the diet models that people find successful become untenable for various reasons once they’ve gotten far enough down that road and they quit only to quickly return to their pre-diet shape.
One method I’ve found that allows for an easy transition into your new, reduced in adiposity body is to “Bracket,” or essentially, “Run a Fire Mission” on your target weight.
I explain how in the Video!
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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