No Age Ontology - The Advaita Vedanta Wisdom tradition of Non-Duality

10 months ago

Advaita Vedanta is a prominent ontological school within Hinduism which emphasize the non-dual nature of Reality and the ultimate unity of the individual with Reality which it calls ‘Brahman’. In the Advaita tradition the term ‘Moksha’ or Liberation from suffering and rebirth is attained through recognizing the illusoriness of the phenomenal world, the body-mind complex and the notion of ‘identity’, and acquiring ‘Vidyā’ the knowledge of one’s true nature as ‘Atman-Brahman’ or ‘Self-Pure Reality’. Advaita Vedānta states that all Reality and every sentient being’s experience have their root in Brahman, which is unchanging. The Reality of ‘Brahman’, which is not to be confused with the Hindu god ‘Bhrama’, cannot be known as an object of mind because Brahman is one’s very Mind, moreover the goal of Advaita Vedanta is to realize that one's self-identity (atman) is a product of ego false-identification when in reality, Brahman is all that exists, which leads to the conclusion that we are all ultimately Brahman.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

The infinite faces of God ►►►

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